XX. Let's Talk About Sex: During and Aftermath

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Bliss. That was all I could feel. Bliss. It was the same feeling when I first cradled baby Kayla in my tiny arms. It was the same feeling as that when I played my first piece on cello. It was the same feeling Uno had made me believe I felt during Prom Night. It was the same feeling Simon made me feel whenever I am with him.


When we stepped out of the lift, Simon immediately wrapped the arm that wasn’t carrying the oxygen tank around my waist and pulled me close to him. For someone with cancer, his grip was really strong. I chuckled as I stood on the tip of my toes to meet his mouth in a passionate kiss. We kissed our way towards our hotel room. Thank gods no one was out in the hallways.

After we had joined the throng of kissers back at the festival and snogged our way to the rest of the night, Simon had suggested we book a room in a hotel nearby to stay until the morning. I agreed immediately since the train stations would be close by now. Then we did fool around in the lift, and then one thing led to another. Before we knew it, we were making out passionately in the lift, lip locking as if the other’s mouth was the only source of life.

Simon pinned me against the wall as he tried to put the key into the doorknob. We both laughed on each other’s lips every time he got it wrong.

“Let me,” I said as I pull away from him. I took the keys from his hands and put it into the slot, twisting it open so that we could make our way inside the hotel room. Simon removed my jacket off me. This is it, I thought. Simon and I are going to do it.

He wasted no time and scooped me in his arm and lifted me off the floor, pulling me close to his chest as he kissed me fervently. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, kicking my shoes off me. I slowly took off his coat then started to unbutton the top buttons of his shirt. Thank gods it wasn’t a t-shirt or we’d have a problem.

We crawled into the bed, not breaking the kiss, dragging his oxygen tank with us and put it on the side of the bed. Simon eased the both of us on the bed, hovering me on all four as he continues to kiss me. My lips. Then traced my jawline. Then down to my neck and sucked my soft spot, the part beneath my earlobe. I was a gasping mess, pulling on Simon’s blonde hair with both hands as his kisses took me to places I have never been before.

Then, he pulled away abruptly, looking at me as he chased his breath.

“What is it?” I asked, breathless.
He smirked. “I’m going to make you feel so good tonight, you’ll forget your name.”

I blushed at his words. This was Simon being cocky. I like Cocky Simon. I love Cocky Simon.
Then, Simon slowly undone the buttons of my shirt, putting soft kisses one each inch of skin that was unravelled before him. I gasped, feeling his cold lips on my feverish skin. Once my shirt was off me, he didn’t waste any time and slowly unfastened my pants and pulled down the zipper with his teeth, grazing my growing erection. I groaned. That was so hot.

Simon pulled my pants down, taking my boxers with it. I took a sharp intake of breath as cold air hit my name completely naked body. The look on Simon’s face was predatory. I squirmed beneath him, trying not to feel uncomfortable at the look he was giving—like I was a piece of meat he can’t wait to dig his teeth in. I was surely blushing wild.

He leaned down, his muscular body covering mine. The friction that his denim-clad groin meshed against my very naked dick was doing nothing to ease the raging boner. I was afraid that if he’d moved an inch, I’d accidentally cum right then and there.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured against my ear in a husky manner, rubbing the sides of my legs in a sultry manner. I shivered beneath him, but he steadied me with the weight of his whole body. It should be heavy, but I find it comforting. “So, so, so beautiful.”

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