XXIV. Stormy Thoughts Under the Thunderous Storm

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All throughout the car ride, my mind was a flurry of thoughts, both nice and bad. All of it was about Simon, who was currently outside the safety of his house for some reason. And there's a fucking storm in our midst. How the fucking hell did he managed to slip past Eva and Uno?

The road was extra slippery, wet because of the torrential rain. Drops of water battering against the Impala's windshield in an alarmingly fast rate. Probably, a flood is in our way. Not surprising, but really dangerous not only for me, but for Simon too. That only made me wary because if I drive too fast, I'd get into an accident. And if I drive to slow, something might happen to my Simon.

I turned to the left and went straight ahead. The Regent Park was within sight in a few moments. Somewhere inside there is Simon, probably shaking with cold. Somewhere inside there is Simon waiting for me.
And I have come for him. I will always come for him. Wherever he is. No matter what.

I hastily parked the Impala just an inch away from the iron fence, almost hitting the thing. My parking was also sloppy and haphazard. There were no police around so I didn't bother with the goddamn meter. Simon is waiting and I can't afford to make him wait any further. Not in a storm like this. He might be freezing his arse out there.

There were no cars aside from my Dad's Impala. My eyebrows furrowed together in a frown. Does this mean Simon walked all the way from his house to this goddamn park? I wanted to scream and find my boyfriend. He must be fucking tired now, possibly out of breath. (As per usual).

Grabbing the jacket that I got for Simon and balling it up under my shirt, I stepped out of the car. It might not be a guaranteed way to keep it dry, but at least I'm trying. The rain immediately soaked me to the bones, despite my jacket. Wasting no time, I crashed through the park and immediately searched for Simon inside. The rain was making seeing within a ten feet radius impossible.

"Simon!" I called out, hoping that he could hear me over the sound of the storm. "Simon. I'm here! Where are you?"

No response. I wasn't surprised. With a rain like this, hearing stuff would also be as hard as seeing stuff. Mud caked me as far as my knees, effectively turning it a dark shade of brown. But I didn't let that stop me.

Now fully soaked, I walked straight through into the park, mudding my pyjama pants even more. Calling his name, struggling to make it louder that the rain itself. A flash of lightning sparked in the sky, illuminating everything in this dark storm. Then followed by a loud, almost deafening thunder rumble. It was just a short moment, but I saw him. Simon. He was huddled under a big oak tree, drenched.

I ran to his direction immediately. Sure enough, he was there, shivering with only a thin jacket over his pyjamas covering him. He was sitting on a slight mud puddle. His tank was beside him, probably cold as hell. He was holding a small square thing in his hands. It looked like a phone.

"T-T-Trisss?" he muttered, looking up at me with pale face and purple lips.

"It's me," I said the immediately knelt down beside him, scrutinising him for injuries. I fished out the jacket I got for him and made him wear it. "Wh-what the hell w-were y-you th-thinking? G-going out in a s-storm l-like th-this?"

"W-we n-need... t-to... t-talk," he said, clutching the small square in his hand tightly. I ignored it. I'm still preoccupied with Simon's current welfare.

"Wh-what?"I shook my head, zipping up his jacket for him. There was a small bump on his stomach are, and he flinched when I accidentally brushed my fingers there. "Y-you kn-know wh-what? L-let's g-get y-you in th-the c-car. It's not safe out here."

He offered no fight as I struggled to lift him on his feet, though he never helped me in dragging himself. Simon may have lost weight, but he was still too heavy for me. The muck beneath us and the rain was not helping my case.
Whilst dragging Simon and his cold as fuck oxygen tank, we had nearly slipped twice already. And I was nowhere near the goddamn Impala.

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