XIX. The Night I Met God

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'What the hell are you doing here?' I demanded as I stood there beside Simon at King's Cross Station. The people that were bustling beside us stared at me. I paid them no mind.

Toby raised his eyebrow slightly as Marco and Simon just blushed, looking somewhere except at us. 'Why on the ruddy hell else?' he snapped snarkily. He and Marco, like Simon and I, were dressed comfortably warm, albeit more fashionably.

'You don't say you're coming with us?' I said.

'No shit, Sherlock!' he said. 'What else would we be here?'

Instead of answering him, I glared at my best friend and then turn to look up at Simon. He, I know, was the reason behind this. Simon flashed me a look that says he was innocent. Fat chance.

I came here at King's Cross a few minutes before the three of them did. I also bought the tickets for Simon and me, much to his chagrin. I was under presumption that the whole day will be spent between him and me, so I really did an epic double take when I saw Toby's bulky figure holding Marco's hand, walking in front of Simon like he fucking own the place.

I wasn't miffed that Toby and Marco was hitching on our date. I know my best friend well enough to know that he could be having honeymoon on the same place I was having mine when he wants too. I was more peeved at the thought that he had chosen my first date to exercise that power of his.

'You better tell me you put up a damn hard fight before agreeing to this,' I said menacingly, narrowing my eyes to slits. He nodded.

'I did,' he answered, lifting up his arms in surrender. 'Your best friend just knows how to manipulate people to his bidding.' He said it as if Toby was some kind of evil villain from a movie.

I narrowed my eyes a little more. 'How many ice cream cakes did he promised you?' I accused. He blushed underneath his red woolly scarf.

'An awful lot,' he admitted shyly. The trains whistle blared, signifying that the train to Glasgow was about to leave. I grabbed his hand and we walked towards the nearest door with Toby and Marco following our footsteps. Simon's oxygen tank's wheels rolled noisily behind him.

'Look, Tris,' Toby began as we were searching for a vacant carriage that fits the four of us. 'I get it that you're upset that you won't have as much as alone time with Simon as you have expected.' I snorted loudly. 'But could you not be a complete selfish dunghead here?'

The train jerked forward as the last whistled pierced the air. We were momentarily thrown backwards. Simon wrapped his hands around me as we swayed. Toby, on the other hand, wrapped himself around Marco, who screamed a little bit in fear more than in surprise. I got a feeling that the youngest chap between the four of us hasn't been on a train before.

After three carriages later, we found a vacant room and moved inside. Simon and I sat beside each other in front of Toby and Marco. The poor boy was still shaking like a leaf even though Toby was holding him tight. I can imagine him on his flight going here whenever turbulence happens.

Simon squeezed my hand that was intertwined with his. I squeezed it back. He leaned in closer to me so he could whisper into my ears.

'I'm sorry.'

'For what?'

I realised that he was looking at the brown envelope that was peeking from my messenger bag that was on my lap. It contains my application requirements for Glasgow School of Art. I could send them online via online, but I need a day off from the looks I got from Mum and Philip.

When I told them that I ditched my audition just to rush to Simon's side, they didn't bother to hide their, dare I say it, disappointment. At first they were really consoling, but I told them that it doesn't really bother me, so they left me alone. I know Philip has been making calls to his peers at RAM, but I wasn't getting my hopes up.

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