Chapter 8: Almost

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I was in my office bored out of my mind. I looked on Sephora's website searching for some new products to buy. I was growing frustrated I haven't talked to Jacob in a couple of days since the date and I was starting to believe Alix. I mean damn I can't get a text or nothing. I logged off, turning the computer off. I got up and grabbed my jacket placing it on. I locked my door

"How's it going Tia? I heard Nick greet me. He's in an internship and he has a little crush on me. I thought it was cute; he was a cute little white guy but two young for me.

"Hi, Nick how are you? I asked. "I'm fine you know, just trying to learn everything. It's a lot" he complained.

"Well there's an app called quiz let, and you can place all the terms and definitions in there it'll help you and if you have any questions I'm always a door beside you" I smirked. "I'll take that opportunity" he said.

"I'm sure you will" I playfully rolled my eyes walking away. I heard my phone ring, I looked down and surprisingly it was Jacob. I looked at it and let it go straight to voice mail. I didn't want to seem too available, I was starting to feel like my desperation was showing. It buzzed again and I rolled my eyes answering it.

"H-hello" I said.

"Hey, Tia " he said and I began blushing automatically. "Hi Jacob" I said opening the building. "So what are you doing today? He asked. I heard an echo and I looked up to see him in his uniform. "So are you gonna always pop up like this? I asked.

"Yeah it's kind of my thing" he said opening his arms for a hug. But I wanted more than a hug. "I just got off and I wanted to take you around" he said.

I laughed to myself; I already wanted to get in a police car. I didn't say anything I just walked to the passenger side of the car.


I turned around watching her strut to the passenger side of the car. I smiled getting in the car. "So where are we going? I asked.

"I kind of wanted a sabarette" I said. She laughed "Oh my gosh I'm surprised you're not fat" she said. "I stopped eating junk food a long time ago" she said.

"Fine what do you want? I asked.

30 minutes later

"No you have to dip it in the egg first silly" she laughed. "It's been a while okay" I said. "It ain't been no while yo ass just can't cook" she laughed. "I can, just not this" I explained. I really liked Tia I hope she wasn't feeling anyway about me not hitting her up; I've just been so busy. We're on this new case about some drug dealer we have to catch in the city. She grabbed my hand helping me dip it in the bread crumbs. "So what you be cooking ramen noodles? She asked.

"Mann ain't nothing wrong with ramen noodles" I said. She laughed "Yeah your right with a little hot sauce" she agreed

"Hell yeah but I make like sandwiches and every once in a while I cook a real meal" he said. She placed her hand on my shoulder taking her heels off. "Sorry I just needed your balance" she said.

I looked down at her feet I'm glad she takes care of herself. I watched her struggle to reach the classes. "Shortie" I said grabbing them for her.

We sat at the table together and I excitedly dug in, the pasta she made last time was good so I knew this batch would taste the same and it did. " You really can throw down" I said.

"Well you helped me" she said. "No, this is all you" I laughed. "So guess, who I saw the other day? She asked.

"Who? Your ex" I asked

"No Alix" she said looking at me funny. Twirling her glass. I was confused but I listened to her began to explain where she saw her. "So she called me talking about catching up, and I agreed to meet her" she said. And I was sitting here in awe, if Tia thinks Alix contacted her to just catch up. She's just as gullible as I thought.

"I knew the only reason she wanted to see me was to be noisy especially since she saw us together at the restaurant. We had coffee and talked about the good ole times but she did say one thing though"

"And what was that? I asked. I was curious to what she had to say. "S-she said ....that you're too busy for anybody" she said.

"Ha that's funny" I said

"Which seems a little true, I mean I don't know you like that Jacob but you be going M.I.A" she said. And I sat there thinking to myself if Alix said that and Tia actually agreed with her maybe I do need to step it up just a little bit.

"Yeah being an officer is time consuming but I do try to make time for my loved ones. She's not so innocent either but enough about her... What's going on with you? I asked. "Well several guys have been hitting my line, you know I've been asked on several dates" she said flipping her hair to the side. I chucked knowing what she was doing. "Well you better let each and every one of them know that you're not interested" I said.

"Any why is that? She asked challenging me.


I was indirectly challenging Jacob I just wanted to see if he really liked me as much as I liked him. I've already been a fool once I didn't need to be one again. He wiped his mouth slowly and I stared at him licking the sauce off his lips. Is it bad that I want to just be laid on the table and to have sex? I've been celibate for a year

"Cuz all eyes are on you" he said and I thought it was the cutest thing. I blushed uncontrollably. "Are you done? I asked.

"Yeah, Thank you dear" he said handing me his plate. I put both of them in the dishwasher and walked towards the couch. I eyed him to follow me. We sat on the couch and I plopped my legs up on him. I was definitely doing the extra but I didn't care.
He lifted one of them up "you work out? He asked.

"Of course, why do you think I look this good? I laughed. "That's wassup maybe we can work out together one day if you can take it. I workout for about an hour three times a week"

"Pshhh I work out 4 times a week" I lied.

"Why do I feel like you're lying? He laughed. "I-I'm not " I laughed twirling my wine glass around. I heard his phone ring and he quickly turned around grabbing it without notice I flicked my cup on his shirt and he instantly jumped up. "OH SHIT" he yelled."Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Jacob" I said trying to wipe the stain with my hand."You stained my tee lady" he whined. "Oops" I said giving him my puppy face. Even though I did this on purpose. "I'm starting to think youdid this on purpose" he said.'"Ohno, I would never do something like that" I lied. He bit his lip smiling;he slowly pulled his tee off turning around. I felt everything move in slowmotion while stared at his back muscles. Lawddd have mercy, I know he alreadyknew I did it on purpose so I didn't want to be even more too forward. I lookedat the nicely done cross tattoo on the side of his back. "I'll be back letme get a shirt" he said. 

"No it's kind of hot in here" I chuckled walking closer to him. "Can I touch your 6 pack? I asked."You mean 8 pack? He said looking down. "Yeah, you just look so good officer" I said admiring his physique. He looked down at me while I caressed his chest. He pulled me closer, and we looked up locking eyes with each other. I heard his phone ring and he quick bent down to grab it."Hold on Tia" he said answering it. I rolled my eyes in defeat hoping this would lead to something else."Ughhhhh Tia, I have to go" he said.

"Already"I frowned. "Yeah my Lieutenant needs me at the office as soon aspossible" he explained. 

"Okay"I said walking him to the door. "I'll call you later" he said."Okay take care" I said. I watched him run down the stairs, once Iclosed the door. I plopped on the couch and screamed in the pillow. I heard the door knock again and I quickly went up to open it."Oh hey" I said to my sister. "Oh hey? Well Fuck you too Tia" she said making her way in. I began laughing "It's not like that I just thought you were Jacob" I said."I just saw him run off what you scared him away? She asked. Sitting at my table"No,we were about to have a heated moment and then he gets a call from his boss andhe had to leave" I said"Whatdo you mean heated? She said placing her food down."So I like spilled my wine on him, and then he took his shirt off. I felt all over his chest and it seemed like we were about to make out and then he phone rings" I whined."Just be patient boo, some guys actually respect women and aren't so quick to have sex with them" she explained."Oh I know that, and I can respect that but how much more can a sister please herself" I whined. 

She spit her drink out "Tia? You freak"she laughed."Oh don't act like you don't, we all do. Men do it, women do it. I want the real thing bruh" I laughed."I feel you, I feel you" she said I heard another knock at my door "Maybe Jacob left something" Jackie said.

When I opened the door it was someone that I didn't want to see. Didn't want to see at all."Tia"she begged."Morgan,what are you doing here? I asked looking at her, she looked at little rough and she had her sleeping son, the child I was supposed to have with Santana on her shoulder."Can I come in? She asked. I thought about cursing her out and slamming the door in her face but I am a child of GOD. I opened the door completely letting her in. "Oh hell no" Jackie said. "What is she doing here? She said hopping from off my bar stool.

"I know were not on good terms but I really need a place to stay" she whined.

Damnit Jacob, he stay busy.


Umm Morgan you did Tia petty now you need a place to stay? Girl Bye

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