Chapter 29: FINALE

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3 weeks later

I cried on the bed heavily as Jackie rubbed my back. I haven't seen or talked to Jacob since the last time I saw him at the store with his co-worker and that was awkward it was almost as if he didn't care. He wouldn't return my calls or anything.

"I messed up, I pushed him away I swear I didn't mean it. I was just scared" I cried even harder. "It's okay sis, he knows your heart he'll come around. I promise you" she ensured

"He won't he wont even return my calls, I miss him" I whined blowing my nose

"Look I will go up there and let his short ass have it myself if I have to "She said placing her hand on her hip. I chuckled "No, I mean that would be great and all but I guess he'll talk to me when he's ready" I said.

"I hope so Tia but you did kind of push him away although I know you didn't do it intentional. You were just scared and embarrassed" she explained

"I was, ever since the miscarriage its ben making me hide under a rock. Apart of me feels like its a major burden on him so I removed myself. Who dates a girl for a few months then all of sudden she has a miscarriage?" I asked

"It happens all of time how do you think all of these basketball players be having all these children so fast. Things happen and you know what they say he must have that good good got you knocked up the first time" she smirked.

"Eww omg stop it " I laughed kind of blushing I didn't expect that to come out of her mouth but then again that's Jackie

"Really though? I think I fucked up for good" I frowned.

"Us women have a tendency of pushing guys away when things get too real, crazy thing is Jacob never left your side. Both of you aren't wrong though" she said handing me my box of tissues

"Ughhhhh I'm going crazy" I said scratching my head.

"You know what... let's have a girl's night out here, invite both of our friends have some wine and some girl talk just to get your mind off of things" she suggested. I looked around thinking for a second. "Like a sleepover or something? I asked

"Yea, whatever you want it to be" she said. "Okay that sounds fun" I smiled

"Right who wants to spend friday evening eating ten pounds of ice-cream" she said snatching my cookie dough ice-cream away from me.

"You're right, I'll get dressed, invite some friends and get some food" I said

"Okay and I have to pick bae up from work his car is down" she said. I smiled I was truly happy for my sister who would of thought that double date would have truly worked out for her. Men these days are horrible


I sat in the car looking around the city for any and everything that could possibly happen. Barely anything was going on it was a slow day to be a friday. I looked at the time and it was 6:30pm. I was just ready to go home all I wanted was a nice cooked meal, a massage, and a little loving but instead I'm here staring out the window. Suddenly my radio went off

"We have a pregnant woman about to go into labor in her home. 34th N east street"


I drove off quickly placing the address in the GPS. Surprisingly I was literally up the street. I parked the car stepping out


I called for the paramedics and back up. I ran up the steps. Then realized this was Alix's apartment complex. "Oh shit" I said to myself. Could this be Alix going into labor or another pregnant woman. I could hear the lady screaming all the way from upstairs. "Yup that's her" I ran upstairs knocking on the door until she answered.

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