Chapter 16: Crashed

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My adrenaline is over flowing did I really damn near fall in love with a potential criminal. I got this chick out a DUI sentence lied for her and comes to find out her ex is a drug dealer and she probably been trafficking with his ass. No more Mr. Nice I called her but she didn't answer. I was doing about 70 down the highway. I was on my way to this club she was at. The crazy thing about this is I have pictures, pictures of her out with this fool, making phone calls with the dude and in the car with the dude. So she's busted either way


I took a sip of Jackie's Tequila sunrise she got from the bar. I decided not to drink plus I'm too much of a light weight and couldn't afford to have a hangover or bad stomach ache. I danced a little to the music Good Lotion by Fizz was on and surprisingly I liked this song. I swayed my hips until they played some good reggae music I grew up on.

I stormed in the club looking for her which wouldn't be hard due to my skills. I knew she would be in the middle some where close to the DJ. I pulled a girl that looked like her by her arm. "Hey get off of me" she said. I realized it wasn't her and apologized as I continued to find her. I saw a brown skin girl with wavy hair dancing with her friends. She turned her a little to the side and it was her. I pulled her arm and she turned around surprised


I was shocked when I saw Jacob and a little creeped out I told him I would see him a little later. Whatever it was he couldn't wait until later? "We gotta talk" He said. I looked at him funny "Umm I'm with my friends " I said looking at him funny

"Can't you see" Jackie said intervening as usual. He looked very upset "Tia we need to talk now" he said sternly pulling me. I knew he wasn't taking no for an answer. I quickly walked off with him to a disclosed area. One of the security officers stopped us for going in the VIP room even though no one was in there. He pulled out his badge "Open the damn door" he said. We both walked in the room he closed the door.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I asked and before you know it I was thrown down on the chair as he looked down at me.

"Do you think I'm fucking stupid Tia" he shouted at me. Of course I've never seen him this angry but I was confused as ever and a little frightened.

"What the hell you're talking about" I argued

"Now you're gonna play fucking stupid. Okay your ex boyfriend that you cry a lot about is a fucking drug trafficker and how do I know because we have a case about it and guess who's face pops up as a potential suspect you" he said pointing at me. I felt like my heart was crushed and my stomach was doing flips. I was terrified, surprised and heartbroken.

"I -I didn't know" I said as he let go of me. He began to chuckle. "You don't know "typical" he said. He looked in my eyes watching them tear up. "I swear I never knew about any of this "

"Damn it Tia how didn't you know about your boyfriends career? He asked me pacing back and forth

"He never really told me about what he did he just said he was a business man for this company called Expedition and I knew it was legit because I witnessed him go to and from for his job. I even did my research on the company" I explained

"And you wanted to have a baby by this fool and you call yourself a damn judge how stupid can you be" he shouted.

"You're gonna stop insulting me I didn't know I would never put myself in that situation damnit"

"You never date someone when you're unsure of their occupation ,bad move" he said

"I did not know" I cried

"So you didn't help him traffic any drugs? He asked me. "No who the hell do you think I am? I asked

"I don't fucking know. you tell me? but I can tell you that you had my ass embarrassed once again. This job right here I take seriously and you know that. I lied for you that costed me my damn money. And I defended you when my partners told me to stop messing with you. I could have went to jail for lying and I could go to jail for even being associated with you" he explained. My heart couldn't take anymore I felt like I wasn't even breathing all of this was for nothing. All of this falling in love was for nothing. I would have never thought my ex could mess up something good right in front of my face or even me being blind to it all.

I just cant deal with you anymore I saved your ass once for your stupid decision and I'm not saving it anymore. We can't do this anymore and to think I fell in love with you" he said slamming a paper on the floor.

"Are you fucking serious Jacob you're not going to believe me? You met my family you know my morals as a fucking human being. I would never intentionally put myself in anything like this but don't talk to me like I'm just some shit on the damn floor" I yelled.

"The evidence is on the floor" he said walking out of the door. I picked the paper up and it had all the information on the case I tried holding in my tears but broke down. Santana never told me any of this I felt so stupid I was really starting to look stupid. I'm a judge and couldn't see through me exes bullshit. Maybe he was right these past months I've been looking like a fool my reputation is over now. Everything I ever wanted was over

Damn! I feel where Jacob is coming from Tia is looking irresponsible but he should give her a chance.



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