Chapter 14: You vs. Her

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I was so nervous to meet Jacob's parents he claims they're nice but all guys say that and then their moms end up being a total obnoxious bitch. Even if she's nice I know she's going to try to test me and ask me questions trying to dig for some kind of flaw. I'm complaining now but I'll probably be the same way once I have kids. My mind was still wandering he asked me to meet his parents that means he's serious. What if he ask me to be his girlfriend next? What if she compares me to Alix? I laid my head to my side looking out of the window.   We were on our way to Brooklyn where his parents where. Jon B - Don't talk was playing which was one of my songs. I was so deep into my worries I couldn't even enjoy the song. I heard the music go down and I looked over.

"You okay? He asked.

"Yeah, I'm just chillin" I said half smiling so he would know I'm alright. "What did I tell you about worrying? He said.

"I'm not worried, I'm just chillin" I explained with a slight attitude. "Whatever you say" he chuckled turning the music back up. It seems like this 25 minute ride was taking forever. 

Eventually I felt the car slow down and I knew we where here. I opened my eyes at the nice row house. It definitely reminded me of The Cosby house. "Were here" he said taking the key out of the ignition. He went around to open the door for me. "Thanks" I smiled. He went in front of me but still was holding my hand. He knocked on the door and in a matter of seconds a tall pretty light skin woman answered the door.

"Hey baby" she smiled hugging him. "Hey ma, I missed you" he said hugging her back. Aww I could tell he was a momma's boy. "I want you to meet someone " he said stepping to the side so she could greet me. "Hello" I smiled.

"Awww this is the young lady you were telling me about. Hi sweetie how are you? She asked.

"I'm fine, how about yourself? I asked. "I'm blessed" she smiled closing the door behind us. "You sure do pick them cute Jakey" she smiled.

"Your dad is a little under the weather he'll probably come down a little later but dinner is almost ready" she said. I could have died at that statement I was starving. We sat at the table.

"So tell me about yourself, miss world star" she giggled. Ughh here we go "World star? I asked.

"I'm just playing around honey"

"Well, I'm 27 going on 28 in June. I'm a judge and I bake on the side" I said that's all I could really think of , its crazy because when people ask you about yourself usually you don't know what to say and that's sad. "Jacob told me how you two met" she said.

"Yeah it was something" he chuckled. "Yeah, I was a little under the influence " I said.

"A little? He laughed. "Alright now, let's not" I snickerered but he knew I was serious. "Do you want anything to drink? She asked.

"Yes, please" I said. 

"I just know you would" Jacob laughed getting up. I gave him the don't show off look. He grabbed us some pepsi's. And we chatted for a bit while the food was still cooking. "Well, I'm gonna go check on pops, you two can chop it up for a second" he said smirking as he left the chair. He wasn't slick. 

"So you cook? She asked. 

"Yea pretty much everything" I nodded.

"Good because my baby loves to eat, that last one couldn't cook at all" she laughed and I knew who she was talking about.

"Come taste these greens" she said. I got up and followed her to the stove. She grabbed a big spoon handing me some.

I took a bite of it and I closed my eyes. "These are good" I said.

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