The start

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(3 pov)
It was the day after you got promoted to sheriff And also your day off you had decided to just kick back and chill so u went to go turn on the tv the news was on so u decide to watch when all of the sudden u see the lady on the news say "help I've just been bitten by what is a zombie " you kept your calm unlike most people who from you window you saw panicking when all of a sudden u hear a knock on you door you walk over and look though the peep hole

(Daryl's pov )
I heard the news and so I went to check on.....[y/n] to make sure she was ok I hear walking around inside and then the door opens I look at her and hug her when I let her go she looks at me and says "are you ok " I look at her and say"yeah just I thought you wouldn't be here cause of what's happening " she just looks at me and nods I tell her " to pack her stuff that I'm taking her with me to the place I heard of on the news " she says " ok " then walks upstairs and comes back a few minutes later with a shirt jeans a belt that has a gun and a knife on it and some Converse and a bag of clothes she goes into the kitchen and grads all the food and then gives me the bag and tells me "she'll be back "then walk to a room comes back and ask me " to hold the bag she brought back" she gives me the bag she was holding it seems heavy so I open it and look inside the back at her it was a bag of all the guns knife and amo in her house

(Your pov )
I see Daryl open the bag and look at me I tell him " it's just in case we need it " he says " ok let's go " we walk out side to his truck get in and I tell him" hey before we go to this place can we first go by the station I wanna get some stuff " he just nods at me
{time skip cuz idk}
We get to the station me and Daryl get out and walk into the station to see its empty I grab a bag and get all the guns and amo and we go

{Another time skip sorry}
(Daryls pov )
We were stuck on the highway so [y/n] get out and walks up to 4 lady's that where talking with to kids while I just sat in the truck admiring her Beauty

(Your pov )
We where stuck on the highway so I got out and went to talk to three lady's with kids and a girl I ask " hi can I join the conversation " one lady with long brown hair and a little kid looked at me she said " yea sure " I said " thanks um hey can u tell me what's going on and why the road has so much traffic?" A lady with short hair almost like a boy was about to answer when we looked up and saw army and National guard helicopters fly by and boom the city Daryl go out of the car and ask " what happened " I told him " they bombed the city " and the a man with back hair came up and said " Lori what happened " the lady with the long brown hair looked at u and said " they just boomed the city Shane " the guy named Shane said " what are we gonna do now this was the only place that was safe " I looked at him and said " maybe it got over runed but I could help u look for a clearing that you will be safe for the kids if you want ?" Shane said " that would be nice thank you um...I'm sorry wat was your name ? I said " [y/n]" Shane said " nice to me you " I said " you to " Shane said " so let's go and find the clearing " just as I was about to say " yeah um sure" Daryl say " wait [y/n] you shouldn't go I'll go and you stay here with them just in case " I just nodded and they left

{ time skip }
(Daryls pov)
We found a clearing so we walked back and I saw her I ran to [y/n] and told her " we found a clearing " she said " cool " and hugged me we all got in the cars and went to the clearing

( your pov )
When we got to the clearing every one stars to set up there camp and getting out tents I had brought some and me and Daryl weren't gonna use the so I asked " who needed them " then the lady with the short hair like a boy said " I do" I said here u can have these where not gonna use them " she said " thanks and walked off " I walked back to daryls truck and got in the front while Daryl got in the back I couldn't sleep because I was cold so I ask " hey Daryl are you up " he said " yeah why" I said " I'm sorry to ask you this and your probably gonna say no but oh well um.. Can I sleep with u in the back I'm just really cold " he giggles and saids " yeah sure but just know that I don't cuddle but I'll make and exception for you " so then I jumped over the seats and Daryl hugs me and I just drift off to sleep in his arms

* end of chapter 1 and I'll make the according to the seasons and btw there won't be a merle but there will be a governor and sorry for mistakes I'm not the best at spelling *

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