When the Group comes back from the city with some one new

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* first of all sorry I haven't updated this story so I'll try to make this chapter longer than usual *
(Back in the city {your pov})
So right about now we're on the roof. When we start hearing a horse trotting .We think it's nothing just another poor defenseless animal about ,to get torn apart by tho drooling freaks that is until. We started hearing gun shots we all tried looking, for the person shooting up the place. I look to see this man in a sheriffs uniform, we see him go under and into a tank that's in the middle of the street.when I see that I run to get Glenn. Who's down in the basement of this department store were in right now. I tell him about the guy and how I think he mad it . He gets on the radio and gets on the frequence to the tank .

{ Glenn's pov}
I get the frequence to the tank and start trying to talk to the guy " hey you alive in there." The guy response"Hell- hello " I say " ah there you are you had me wondering "he's " where are you out side can you see me right now " and the conversation goes on ( but Rick doesn't drop the guns in this one so yea and I'm gonna skip the some of the episode and most of this season sorry ) I give him instructions on what to do and where to meet me . He finally get to the spot and we was about to shoot me when I practically scream " not dead". So we Exchange names he says his name is Rick Grimes and I introduce myself we end up climbing up the stairs and going to the alley where there is for geeks and I calling to have them taken out .

{ ricks pov}
As soon as I got in the building some blonde girl point a gun at my face. Says " because of you we're screwed " some guy says "Andrea put the gun down ". Then the Glenn comes up to me and says we need a plan to get out get back to there group. I started think of a plan and tell them . Glenn thinks it crazy but the others think it might work so we get to work .
*time skip cuz I'm lazy still the same pov tho * Glenn and I are walking in the the middle of the street surrounded by walkers.When it starts raining.Glenn starts to panic I tell him to keep his cool.I think they can start,to tell we're not one of them so we make a run for it . We hope over a fence and get to a truck. I tell Glenn how we're gonna get ,the rest of the group out of the building.He agreed and we went with the plan. 
*time skip cuz I'm lazy and it's almost 2 am still same pov *
We're driving out to where there camp is its somewhere in the mountains. When we got the I got out and saw my wife and son.
{your pov}
I get out of the truck and start looking for Daryl. It doesn't take long before I'm , picked up and Spun  around . I start to giggle and squirm ." Darly * giggles * put me down please." Sorry sunshine I'm just happy to see you is all." As he puts u down he hugs you , you hug back never wanting that moment to end .

= I'm so sorry guy I know I suck at writing and I'm sorry for making you guy wait so long I'm truly sorry I know how it feels so yea now I'm going to sleep it 2:08 am hope u enjoy tho =

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