CDC part 3 (the last cdc part i promis )

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(Your pov)
I wake up and feel strong arms around my waist ,and a head on my chest. I look down to see Daryl at that moment I remember everything that happened last night,and I can't help but smile. As I recall the events in my head. I few minutes go by and I feel Daryl kiss my collarbone. "Morning sunshine" "morning Daryl " . I look at him and take a moment to admire his features. Go he was amazing and so mesmerizing. He looks at me .
"Nothing "
" ok"
" I think we should get dressed and get something to eat "
"Good idea love " 
A few minutes later and attempt to get up but fail as my legs give out and behind me I hear chuckling. "Oh so you think this funny huh?" I poke his chest "just a little " "ugh I hate you ." "No you don't you love me ."" Yeah I do but that doesn't mean I can't be mad at you after all you caused this " he wraps his arms around me and gives me little butterfly kisses and lost puppy eyes."I'm sorry sweetheart " at that moment I realized that I can't really be mad at him for long. "It's ok I guess " a few more minutes go by and I try to stand up again and I do it  successfully. Now all I have to do is find my clothes ,which I do find in a pile on the floor. I start to get dressed and look behind ,me to find Daryl still laying in bed. As I finish I walk over to him and poke him . He looks at me and smiles. "Daryl get dressed please." " Alright fine." As he said that I turn around to leave ,when I feel him grab my wrist and spin me around. "where's my kiss" I roll my eyes but his him anyway ,as we part I smile at him. "I'll see you in a few minutes ok?" "Yeah babe" As I leave he smacks my ass heard, but I ignore it and keep walking.[ I have decided that the other guy members of the group will look like this and the girls will look like this ] " hey {y/n} " " hey t-dog " " I made eggs there powdered but there good, you want some ?" " yes please." He gives me a plate and it looks so good it's been so long since I had eggs bacon and toast, it looks so yummy. "Thanks t-dog" "your welcome " As I start eating Daryl comes in and winks at me as that happened everyone started laughing." What's so funny ?" Rick covers Carl's ears and carol covers Sophia's ears . Rick looks from me to Daryl " you guys fucked last night!" " and boy where you loud!" Both me and him blush that's when the doc comes in...
(Time skip to when the group is running to the front of the building)
As where all running I trip and almost fall, we all stop at the sight of the windows as Shane takes ,and ax and try's to hit the glass but it doesn't work . I try shooting at it , it didn't even make a dent. That's when carol gives Rick the Granada she found the day he came back with us. He takes the clip off and we all take cover and before it blows Daryl looks at me with kindness in his eyes "I love you {y/n} "I love you to Daryl " just as I say that it blows and Daryl pulls me into his chest. A few seconds go by and we look around. Everyone's ok so we all run out and get in our cars. As we do we see Dale and Andrea run out . Just in time for them to hide behind a pile of , sand bags and everyone else to duck in their cars.
( I know it sucks and that I haven't updated in a while but hey everyone has problems right stay weird friends~Merp)

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