On the way to somthing better maybe

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(Your pov )
After at the commotion Rick decided to head to fort Benning.We've been on the road for a few hours and that's when the Rv broke down. So we all decided to stop until Glenn and dale fixed what ever was wrong with it.  I had decided that I was gonna go raid some cars ,with carol and Lori while Rick, Daryl,Shane ,and  Carl  were out scouting the area for something to eat .After mad hour or so of raiding T-dog  found ,a truck full of gallons of water which was right about the same time dale yelled "walkers everyone get down" ! I hid under a car that was right behind Sofia's. After we thought the last walkers had past Sofia got out and that's when they started chasing her . So I ran right after them I throw a hatchet at one and swing my machete at the other just, in time to grab Sofia and stop her from running into the ones ahead of us .I see that they don't notice us and quietly help Sofia up a tree as fast as ,I can't and start throwing my knifes .I get four to drop unnoticed but as I throw at ,the last one a twig snaps and the last two turn around "behind you. " " how many ?"" Just one."" listen doll no mater what happens don't come down, even if they tare me apart don't come down I promise you that the group will come looking for you so don't leave the tree. " I say as I turn around and throw one ,of my knifes at it and jump over it as it falls. I hear them getting closer and turn around ,I take out a hatchet and throw it with out missing .Then I run at the last one and kill it before more of his friends show up. I gather my weapons help Sofia and start to walk back. As we walk back I hear a gunshot I think ,nothing of it and keep walking just being a bit more alert .By the time we get back I have all my weapons as we approach ,I hear the group trying to make a plan on how to find us . No one notices us so I sneak up behind Daryl and kiss his neck . "What the fuck? " "well that's a nice way to greet me."As I look around I notice the grimes are gone. "hey where are the grimes? " Daryl looks down then looks at me. " the kid got shot there on a farm we were gonna look for you and then head there but since your here now we should go ."I nod and we all get into our cars and head off to the farm .

{ it sucks I know but it's 4:11 am and I'm tired but anyway stay weird my friend -merp }

Daryl Dixon x Reader (a cop and a redneck love story)Where stories live. Discover now