The CDC part 2

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(You're pov)
My eyes fluttered open as I look around is see that.I'm in the truck I look to my side ,I see Daryl driving. He must of sensed it cause,he looked back at me and smiled."Hey you better now "[this will be the font when Daryl speaks now ] "Yeah I'm good now ." [this will be the font when you speak now ] "You should eat something." Yeah i know ." At that moment I reach into one of my ,bags and pull out a box of cereal and some water."Hey could you pull over ,so I can sit in the front please." " sure doll ." As he slowly starts to pull over he honks his ,horn and everyone else stops to.I get out and so does everyone else. Everyone looks at me and just smiles at me , I say my hellos and we all talk for a bit then everyone gets back in their cars.
{ time skip brought to you by Daryls arm porn }
As we all come to a stop I look over to Daryl he seems to be thinking about something " Daryl do you think it's safe or better yet that there's anyone in their at all ?" "I don't know guess we'll just have to find out. " As we finish our little conversation. We get out of the car and walk, to the rest of the group .Rick told us a plane and we just all nodded. We did just as he said we kept ,formation and mad our way to the doors. But as we got closer we see they ,all have a metal barricade on them. When we get to the door we expect them to open ,but as we realize that not gonna happen. Rick starts to have a meltdown ,Lori tries to calm him down.Shane is also telling him we have to go ,seeing. as it's getting dark and his meltdown is attracting walkers . Just as we all turn to leave. " Wait the camera moved ." I turned around and looked at him like he had lost it " Rick it's a camera I supposed to move around like ,that now come on let's go we can't be this close to the city at night ." He ignored me and keep yelling at the camera...... And as we where about to leave the doors opened.
{time skip to when the when the group is getting drunk }
# your thoughts will look like this #
Doctor Jenner told us about the living space ,wow I can't wait to shower in hot water again. It's been so long and now, I can finally gather all my thoughts and feelings. Feeling about me and Daryl I don't know what we are  I'm to sacred to ask ,him because I don't want to embarrass myself. But oh well I guess I'll just see how things go. Glenn must of noticed cuz he nugged me "You ok you seem lost." Yeah I'm ok just thinking ." As I say that Daryl hands me a bottle of strawberry vodka. " Yay my favorite thanks Daryl ." " You're welcome doll." He sits next to me and we both started drinking. Meanwhile Lori , Carl and Dale are arguing ,about letting Carl drink a bit of wine . Lori finally gives in and let's Carl have some . He tries it and makes a disgusted face. " Haha stick to pop little man ." He looks over at Glenn " Not you , you keep drinking I wanna see how red your face can get ." He pours more wine in Glenn's glass. We all laugh and joke around ,for awhile and then it slowly starts to die down . And as if to fuck up everyone's good day ." So doc what happened here ." " Shane come on not now ." " Then when ?." " I don't know just not now ." " No it's fine I have to tell you eventually right ?" We all nod and the doctor Jenner tells us every thing. Then we all went to shower . I went and got my stuff and headed to the shower. It was so blissful when I finally got out I realize. I had forgot my clothes so I walked to the room I was sharing with Daryl only to find .....

[ haha cliffhanger sorry I just can't think anymore and i have to think about the next chapter and sorry about not updating and next one might be up tomorrow night or maybe the day after that .]

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