That one fateful night at camp part2

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(your pov)
As I start to run thoughts go through my head as to ,what would of happened to me if Daryl hadn't gotten there at all . Shan could have chopped me into little pieces maybe even throw me to a small heard of walkers . Oh well at least he got there just in time . As I keep running I get to the camp I find Rick , I grabbed him" come with me please I need your help with something." As we keep running we get to the spot only, to see Daryl beating Shane up with no signs of stopping.Thats when I ran in and tried to pull Daryl off of Shane ,but I guess that's where the word tried comes into play . As Rick pulls Shane from under Daryl, I try to hug him so he won't be up Rick to as I ,do so Daryl turns around picks me up and start walking away with me in his arms. I feel safe again.

( Daryls pov )
As I walk away with [ y/n] in my arms I can't help but think did I get here in time .Was I at least a bit to late ,as I think of that I wonder why the fuck was, he touching he in the first place.My arms start to tence up I think she felt it ." Are you ok Daryl?." Yeah sunshine I'm fine but, I guess here the real question is are you ok?" "Yeah I'm perfectly fine you got there just in time thanks ." Your right on you being perfect you know " she giggles " but I'm sorry for leaving you alone like that." " it's ok Daryl I mean its not like it's the ,worst that could happen in the world right now ." You're right sunshine but still I feel like if I hadn't, left you alone this wouldn't have happened." " It's ok Daryl I promise I'm fine your fine we're both fine that's what really matters right now ." As we keep walking I lay her head on my chest ,and i feel her fall asleep as we get near the truck. I start to speed up a bit when I finally get there, I put her in the back and then lay down next to her .As I hold her close as I fall into a deep sleep knowing .My sunshine, my doll ,my baby ,my princess ,my angel ,  and most importantly my light in this darkness is ok . I don't know what I'd do without her in my life ,and those are my last thought as I go off to dream land .

Daryl Dixon x Reader (a cop and a redneck love story)Where stories live. Discover now