Chapter Three: What's The Catch?

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Enjoy the chapter my little Nalu fans out there! :) I know that there isn't any Jerza, Gale, Gruvia, or Rowen in my story, but it's coming soon! I promise!


Lucy's POV:

Yesterday, could've been worse than it already was. First, I bumped into that insensitive little weasel and now, I have to tutor him. I have to visit my mother's grave today. I hope I have more than enough time.

I changed into my proper attire and decided to grab a toast with jelly and eat along the way. I have to remember to be back by 4:00 or my dad will kill me. Stupid Natsu.

"Lu-chan!" Levy called me.

"Good morning!" I said with a happy smile.

"Well, it looks like you're not on your period anymore!" Levy giggled.

"Sorry for being a beef jerky to you yesterday," I apologized.

"Hey, don't sweat it!" We linked hands with each other and made our way to our first class.


Natsu's POV:

School ended and it was time for the tutoring session. I went through the hallway and saw a sign that says, "TUTORING CENTER." I opened the door and found a few people studying and I saw Lucy helping them.

"Oh, good, I thought you forgot," Lucy said as she noticed me.

"I would, but I actually need help," I said as I showed her my math test.

"YOU GOT A C-?!" She screamed. Everyone shushed at us and Lucy put her hands over her mouth.

"That's what it says on the paper."

"Wow, you definitely need help," Lucy said as she directed me to an empty chair. I sat down and got out my math book. Never thought that I would be using my math book. I turned to the lesson I was currently stuck on and resumed from there.

"Where's your test?" Lucy asked.

"Here," I gave the test to Lucy.

"Let's review your test and fast."

"Why are you in a rush? Do you hate me that much?" I pouted. She shot me a glare and pinched my cheeks.

"No, it's because I have to go home and do...something," she said.

"Do you have your period, Lucy? You want to go home because you forgot your pad! I'm such a genius!" I exclaimed. Lucy sweat dropped at my answer.

"Baka! I don't even have it! I just have to go home at 4:00 and do something," she said as she lightly smacked my shoulders.

"It's 2:25 now so I think we have more than enough time."

"Alright, so question #3 you got 4x-96y-92...why?" Lucy asked.

"Well I did...
I don't know what I did wrong."

"Well you have to convert -102y to +102y because when a negative goes into a negative number, the number then becomes a positive."


I never thought math would be easy once you know what you're doing. I was paying attention to every little detail she said and I eventually got the hang of it. Maybe I should study more from now on.

"Do you know what I've learned from you?" Lucy asked with a smile plastered on her face. She looks better when she looks happy.


"I think you're a really smart person, but you need to actually put some time and effort into studying," she said as she gave me a wink.

"Eh?!" I was shocked when she said that I'm actually a smart person. No one has ever told me how smart I was.

"Did I just hear you right? Lucy Heartfilia is actually complimenting me?" I smirked.

"S-Shut up! This is only a one time thing and nothing more."

"Sure it is." I noticed a tint of red on her cheeks. Is she blushing? I couldn't help, but laugh at how funny she looks. I covered my mouth so she couldn't hear me. She's so weird...

"Do you want to start over?" I asked. She gave a weird look.

"You mean the tutoring session? I thought you learned it quite well, honestly."

"No, I mean the first time we met we were er- I mean, I was rude to you before and I would like to apologize and maybe start over?" I asked as I extended my hand to her hoping she will accept the handshake.

"Hmm...what's the catch?" She lifted an eyebrow at me.

"There's none."

"Ok, I would also like to apologize as well. I was sorta kinda rude to you before and I would like to start over," she gently grabbed my hand and we shook hands. I think I'm forgetting something. Oh, wait...

"Hey, aren't you suppose to be going somewhere?" I asked.

"CRAP! How can I forget! I'm going to be late by the time I get there!"

"I can drive you if you want."

"Are you sure? I don't want to trouble you."

"It's the least I can do after helping me with math."

"You know, you're not as bad as I thought you were," Lucy said as she gave me a heartwarming smile. I don't know why but, there's  something about that smile that seems so...cute. I couldn't help, but smile back at her.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I also hope you like the picture of Natsu and Lucy. IT'S SO CUTE <3


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