Chapter Fifteen: Your Bag Smelled Like Fish

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I'm so happy about all of the support I've been getting! My friends won't stop torturing me! >.< I admit it was my fault in the beginning, but I wasn't the one spreading the rumors! Still love them though!


Natsu's POV:

What time is it? I looked at the grandfather clock and saw that it's 7:32 a.m. I decided to go to my morning routine first since everyone was still sleeping. I rummaged through my duffel bag and touched something soft and fuzzy.

"Huh?" I pulled it out and it was peacefully sleeping. It was Happy.

"Natsu..." Happy said as he yawned and stretched his arms and legs.

"What are you doing in my duffel bag?" I asked.

"Your bag smelled like fish and you know how much I love fish," Happy said as he rubbed his stomach.

"Don't worry, Happy. I'll get you some fish. I just need to brush my teeth, take a shower, and change my clothes," I said as I got all my stuff from my duffel bag.

"Can I prank them?" Happy said as he pointed to the sleeping group of people.

"No!" I answered as I went to the bathroom to start my routine.


Jellal's POV:

I woke up from my slumber and looked at the grandfather clock. 7:54. I looked to the side and saw that I was cuddling with Erza. We look like a couple. (>\\\\<)

"Where's the marker?" I heard someone say. I looked to the direction of the voice and saw a tiny blue neko looking at everyone's stuff.

"W-Who are you?" I asked the cat. The neko looked at me and extended his wings. He flew to my direction.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm an exceed!" The blue exceed said as he got closer to me.

"Cats don't fly and they obviously don't speak! So, what are you?" The neko just sighed and went back to what he was doing.

"I'm Happy. Happy the cat! I'm Natsu's pet, but he usually calls me his friend. There is another cat like me. Her name's Carla. She's Wendy's pet," Happy said as he pointed to the sleeping Wendy. I wish I had a talking, walking, and flying cat...

"You must be very expensive. I bet everybody would want to be your pet owner," I said honestly. He shook his head.

"Wendy found us in a dark alley way and realized we were strays. She took us home and took care of us since that day. She let me have Natsu and I couldn't be happier," Happy explained.

"Well, aren't you a lucky one," I said while petting the blue cat.

"Aye!" He exclaimed proudly.

"What's with the noise?" Sting annoyingly asked. Soon, everybody started waking up.

"Aww, look at the cute cat! Can I keep him?" Romeo asked.

"Happy? What are you doing here? I thought you were at home with Carla," Wendy asked Happy.

"Natsu's bag smelled like fish..." Happy stated while pointing to the duffel bag.

"The neko can talk?!" Lucy exclaimed. Levy shushed her and examined the blue cat.

"What kind of cat are you?" Levy said while rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

"I'm Natsu's pet. Call me Happy!" He said while flying up to Levy's hair.

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