Chapter Ten: Who's Shrimp?

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I don't wanna cheer! >_< I want to do my math homework, but sadly I have to cheer for the football team until 4:30. By the time you get this, it might be around 5:00. Oh, well...


Lucy's POV:

"What are you doing here, Sting?!" I asked, shocked when I saw Sting right in front of my eyes. I missed him so much! It's been too long since we talked face to face.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm the transfer student!" He replied. He messed with my golden hair and sat down at seat. Dang it, Sting! I just did my hair!

"Yo, Luce, who is that dude?" Nasty asked with a hint anger. He looked kind of frustrated. That's probably just my imagination.

"He's my childhood friend! I haven't seen him since he moved away to live in Canada!" I said happily.

"Oh, I thought he was your boyfriend or something," he said with a sigh of relief. Why does he want to know? Is he jealous? Oh, get a grip already! How can you think he's jealous? He has a girlfriend for crying out loud. It's obviously because he's overprotective of me...right?


Natsu's POV:

I'm such an idiot. I was a little happy when she said that they were only childhood friends. I don't know why though. Maybe I should just forget about it. I need to start paying attention in class.


The schedule was a little bit weird today. We were suppose to have English next, but it was homeroom. I decided to go and chat with Ice Princess for a bit. The teacher told us we can go wherever we want. I could've talked with Lucy, but I didn't want to invade her life.

"Natsu, we need to talk!" I looked at my back to see Lisanna coming towards my direction. Well, she looks gloomier than usual.

"What is it, Lisanna?"

"Natsu, I... I..."

"Come on, Lisanna. Tell me what's wrong," I urged her.

"I think... I think we need a break," Lisanna said.

"You mean take a vacation? I'm always down for a trip to Haw-"

"No, I'm breaking up with you!" Lisanna said as she cutted me off.

"Huh? Why?" I asked. She shook her head. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"I... I can't tell you," she said. I nodded in understanding. I'm not going to question it, but that was weird. Aren't breakups suppose to be sad? So, why does it feel as if it's no big deal to me? "Can you promise me something? Promise me that we can still remain friends?"

"Uh, sure, Lisanna," she looked up to me and weakly smiled. Why does she want to break up with me?

"Thanks, Natsu," Lisanna said. She planted a kiss on my cheek and hugged me tightly.

"Sure," I touched my cheek and looked at Lisanna. She walked back to where her friends were and started talking with them. I walked to the basketball court and sure enough I saw Gray the Stripper.

"Yo, Gray. Lisanna may or may not have broke up with me 2 minutes ago..." I said, making him stop playing his basketball.

"Why? Did she notice how much of an idiot you are? About time," Gray said as he passed the ball to me. I gave him a glare.

"What are you guys talking about?" Gray and I looked to the direction of the voice. Gajeel. Gajeel is very talented in basketball and joined the basketball team. He gets into a lot of trouble with the teachers, but he doesn't seem to mind. The weird thing about him is his obsession with metal.

"What's up, Gajeel?" I asked as I dribbled the ball and made a three-pointer.

"Show off," Gray muttered. I smirked at him and passed the basketball to Gajeel.

"Not much. I have a tutor session with Shrimp after school," Gajeel said while dribbling the ball.

"Who's Shrimp?" Gray and I asked in unison.

"Levy McGarden," he said with a tint of red plastered over his cheeks. Is this guy for real? Don't tell me...

"Gajeel, do you like her?" I asked. He blushed with a deeper shade of red this time. I'll take that as a yes.

"H-How would you know? You're not the type to figure things out," Gajeel said as he stuttered.

"Didn't you know? Flame Head may actually have a brain! I still find that hard to believe," Gray said as he poked my head annoyingly.

"Hey, I can be smart if I wanted to! I just didn't feel like it before," I said as I slapped his hand that was poking my face. I shot a glare at him and he gave me an innocent smile.

"What?! Natsu? Smart? Since, when did he have a brain?" Gajeel asked with a shocked face.

"Yeah, I started to study more when Lucy started tutoring me," I answered honestly.

"Wait, so that means... I will be smart as you?! How does tutoring make you smarter? I thought it'll make your head explode," Gajeel said.

"Hmm, maybe it's not the tutoring that made Natsu smarter..." Gray said, "I think it's Lucy that's making him smarter."

"Does it matter? Isn't she suppose to be the one who makes me smarter?" I protested.

"If you hadn't paid attention to her, there was no way you could've been as smart as you were now. Think about it, you didn't have to pay attention to her, but you chose to do it anyway," Gray said as he stole the ball from Gajeel and did a three-pointer.

"Hmm, you got a point. Still, why does that matter?"

"Seriously? No one was able to make you pay attention in class. Not even the teachers. What makes her so different from the rest of them?" Gray asked as he raised one of his eyebrows.

"Natsu, do you like her?" Gajeel asked with a small grin on his face.

"Oh, come on. Don't invade my privacy!" I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. This is why I don't like talking about girls.

"Hey! You asked me whether I liked Levy! So, why can't I?" He asked.


"See?" I let out a heavy sigh. Do I really like Lucy? Why's it so confusing? I started picturing Lucy in my head. Her golden hair, chocolate eyes, and that beautiful smile. I thought the answer was clear, but I just couldn't point it out.

What is it that I'm looking for?

Is there going to be some NaLu in the next part? Probably not! *evil laugh* I'm so evil >.< I try to take my time when it comes to romance and not to speed things up. Sorry, but that's just me!


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