Chapter Forty-Three: Speak Of The Devil

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After weeks of not being able to update, this b!tch is back! Hello, everybody! I'm sorry, for leaving you on like the biggest cliffhanger ever, but I'm ready to update! Don't worry, I don't have writer's block or whatever that is. I just didn't have time to update.

Also... 100K reads?! Thanks so much!


Lucy's POV:

"It's a Saturday! What do you mean you aren't going to get up? I thought we're going to the mall together with Erza. You can't keep thinking about Natsu all the time, Lu-chan. Everyone else is busy, which is kind of sad, because I really want the whole gang together," Levy said. I hated when my best friend is right. Thinking of Natsu all the time shouldn't be healthy for my brain, but I couldn't help it. He broke up with me just because he heard that Gray and I were together. In a way, it made me sad, yet weirdly happy. Happy that he might have been jealous, but sad that I couldn't believe he would dump me, because of that.

"But... What if I accidentally bump into Natsu at the mall? I know the chances are slim, but I really don't want to face him. Not now. I have today and Sunday to try to figure out how I'm going to approach him and it wouldn't help if he shows up at the mall." Levy grumped and pulled me out of my bed. She pushed my back and I began walking to her car. She took out her keys and unlocked her car, so we could get in. She took the driver's seat, while I sat next to her on the front.

"This won't happen. I know it won't, but if you do see him, we'll leave the mall and go do something else. Is that good with you?" I nodded my head and put on my best smile. Levy grinned and she started driving all the way to the mall. If Natsu does show up at the mall, I won't let him ruin my fun. Besides, what's the probability that he's going to show up, anyway?


"For the last time, Gajeel doesn't care what you wear! He's seen you, since like the beginning of school." Levy was too busy to hear me, scavenging for some cute clothes to impress Gajeel. She came across a light blue dress and rushed into the dressing room to try it on. When she came out, she showed off the dress to me, assuming I was going to critique it. She looked pretty, even though she could be a real pain.

"I know I shouldn't care about this stuff, but he asked me to wear a dress, so I immediately thought he was going to take me out to someplace formal." She went back into the dressing room and wore her normal clothes out. She carried the blue dress with her and decided to go buy it.

"Well, I hope you two have fun. I'm going to head into the restroom, so I'll meet you back here." Levy nodded, indicating me to go. I felt something vibrate from my back pocket and took out my phone to see that my dad had texted me. As I was replying to me dad, I bumped into someone's back and landed on the ground. I looked up and saw his familiar hair color. He turned around and gave me a shocked expression.

"Speak of he devil," I muttered as I stood up from the ground. Natsu look as if he didn't want anything to do with me. He gave me a glare that could kill anyone instantly. I gulped in fear, trying to figure out how to handle the situation.

"Seriously? Are you stalking me or something? How did you know I was going to the mall?" He asked bitterly. I could feel the tension in the air increase as each second passed. I opened my mouth, yet no words came out of my mouth.

"I-I was-"

"-trying to get my attention by bumping into me? Well, congratulations. It worked. What do you want? To apologize to me? If you haven't noticed, you were a bit late on that." Now, he really got on my nerves. My hands turned into a fist, but I refrained myself from punching his nose. We both just angrily stared at each other. No words. No sign languages. Nothing. I decided to break the silence and have my voice be heard.

"You know, I really thought you changed. You were a real jerk before and when I was tutoring you for the first time, I thought you were different. I thought you were a nice and caring guy. No, I didn't come here to stalk you. No, I didn't come here to apologize. If anything, you should be the one who apologizes to me." Natsu scoffed as he rolled his eyes at me. He crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Apologize to you? For what? You were the one who cheated on me." I was thankful that nobody was here to listen to our argument. I could literally scream and everything would be fine.

"I did not cheat on you! Sure, I was with Gray, but we didn't do anything. We only talked and that was it." Natsu didn't seem to believe, which made me aggravated than before.

"I trust Jellal. If he saw you two kiss, then I believe in him." As I was about to continue the argument, Levy came and dragged me out of the conversation. I was glad I didn't have to deal with any more drama, but it pained me to know that he didn't trust me. Levy dragged me out of the mall and we sat in the car without doing anything.

"I'm sorry, Lu-chan. That must've been awful." I looked outside the window and sighed. What is our relationship now? Are we enemies? Do we despise each other now?

"Yeah, it was..."


Natsu's POV:

"You alright, Natsu?" I looked at Jellal and shook my head. We were at the food court, eating our lunch. Well, one of us was.

"I just can't get over how I acted towards her. I know what she did to me was horrible, but I felt bad for talking so mean." Jellal shook his head as he closed his eyes.

"What are you suppose to do? Forgive her for what she has done to you? You do realize what she did was unforgivable, right?"

"I know, but-"

"Then, stop acting guilty for how you treated her. She deserves to be treated like that."

"No, she does not!"

"Why are you defending her?"

"Nobody deserves to be treated like that. Even if they did do something bad." Jellal gave me a look of disproval, but I didn't care. Lucy was always there when I needed her, even when I was too stubborn to admit it. It didn't make any sense why she would cheat on me with Gray.

"This is just stage one of a breakup. You'll start to feel bad and want her back again, but you have to move on, Natsu." I looked down at the plate of hot wings and smiled.

"I remember when I took her out to our first date. I ordered some hot wings and she was impressed that I finished before her." Jellal stopped eating and eyed me strangely. I continued to stare at the plate of hot wings with my smile still visible.

"Did you like her at that time?" He asked. A light blush spread across my cheeks.

"I think that was the time I took interest in her." Jellal just listened and processed all the information in his brain.

"It's weird. You don't have a good memory and remembering something so simple as that is strange." I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a hot wing from the plate. All I could think of was the memorable moments I had with her. Her constant chatter, her constant smile, and just being by her side were only some of the reasons why I liked her.

Will we ever be the same again?


Next Update: When I have time...

I know it's short, but don't kill me! The next chapter is going to get better. If not, then I don't know. I know I haven't updated in like forever, but I'm alive and well. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me and still reads my fanfic. You are truly awesome.

Random Question: Do any of you guys know who Charlie Puth is?


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