Chapter Thirteen: Clash of Boys

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I love math homework... (/^v^\) I find it very fun and relaxing. I don't know why though. XP I know! Let's play a game! Guess which subject is my favorite and you will win... Uh... I dunno. :P


Wendy's POV:

I was so happy Mira talked to me last Monday. Was there something important I forgot? I shook my head and looked at my alarm clock. I'M LATE! I got out of my bed and took a quick shower. I put my clothes on, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair. I decided to go check on Carla and Happy as well.

"Carla? Happy?" I called out. Two cats came towards my direction. One is white and super cute while the other is blue and also super cute.

"Aye!" Happy exclaimed. Usually cats would say, "meow," but Happy isn't like any other cat. He can talk, walk, and fly! Same with Carla. It's kind of weird, but I'm so lucky to have them in my life. (^v^)

"Wendy, you best hurry or you'll be late to class. I don't want to see you in detention. Plus, didn't you tell me you were suppose to go to a sleepover party after this?" Realization hits my head when Carla reminded me about the sleepover party.

"Arigato, Carla!" I completely forgot about the party!" I hugged Carla and ran to the dining room to get food.

"Be careful, Wendy! If you don't come back safe, I'll tell everyone about Romeo," Carla intimidated.

"H-Hai! Please don't tell anyone about him. I shouldn't have told you..." Romeo was my first crush. There's something about him that makes him

"WHERE'S THE FOOD!?" Natsu exclaimed, breaking my train of thought. My hungry brother... ( -_-')

"What do you mean? Did we run out of food?" I looked around the cabinets and the refrigerator and found absolutely nothing. Natsu's belly made a very loud rumbling sound. "I guess we have to get breakfast somewhere else," I said. I grabbed my backpack, grabbed Natsu's hand, and ran to the nearest cafe.

"Yo, Wendy. Let's go to Mira's Sweet Delights!" He pointed to the cafe just by the corner. If I remembered correctly, Mira did say she has her very own cafe. I never been there, but I heard it's really good.

We got in line and we got our orders. Natsu had like twenty pieces of the El Diablo Special. I got the blueberry buckle and it looked so delicious. I took a bite out of mine and savored the sweet taste of the pastry.

"Hurry up and finish, Wendy. I'm already done with mine," Natsu said as he laid his head on his arms. He's so fast when it came to eating. It's a miracle that he still has a six pack.

"Done!" We paid for our meal and went to school. I can't wait until school's over!


Mira's POV:

School ended at 3:00. Time to start Operation Nalu, Gruvia, Gale, Jerza, and Rowen. There will be no exceptions! I grabbed hold of Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Jellal, Romeo, and Wendy and we headed towards the Heartfilia Residence.

I had Wendy sit beside me at the front and the rest of the boys were at the back. Natsu and Gray were fighting as usual while Romeo was cheering for Natsu to win. Jellal and Gajeel were awfully quiet.

"Umm, Mira-san? I thought you were only bringing Gray and me along. Well, you did say something about not telling the boys about the sleepover, but does Lucy know about this?" Wendy asked. Since Gray and Natsu were fighting, the boys weren't able to hear our discussion. I shook my head.

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