Chapter Forty-Nine: Happy Endings

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I need you guys to help me with something. Choose one of the three options down below!

1. Disclaimer with all the FT characters who appeared in this fanfic! (Rogue, Kagura, and the people who have featured in my past disclaimers will also be part of it too)

2. Q&A about me! (If you want a Q&A, leave your questions anywhere around this chapter)

3. Both?! (Highly unlikely, but anything for you guys <3)


This chapter has been dedicated to...


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Author's POV:

It was the last day of high school and all the students were ready to start their long, overdue break. Lucy, Natsu, and their friends are prepared to say goodbye to Fairy Tail High School. It has been a roller coaster of events and emotions, but in the end, they've conquered another year in school.

I wonder what the students at FTHS are doing right now...


Wendy's POV:

It was early in the morning when I left to go to school. I still couldn't get the image of Romeo being almost naked in front of me out of my mind. It frustrated me how awkward it's going to be for the two of us. Well, at least I learned a lesson from my mistake. Never go into a guy's room without knocking. Although, in my defense, they should've closed the door. What kind of person doesn't lock the door when they're changing? It's common sense.

I walked pass Romeo's house, which was the direction to the high school. I sighed in relief, successfully avoiding Romeo at the moment. I didn't want to see him right now, after the whole incident that had happened recently. I wanted to give him his space, assuming that he also didn't want to see me at the moment. Or maybe I was wrong.

"Hey, Wendy!" Romeo called out to me from behind. I froze when I heard his voice shouting my name. I internally screamed in my head to run as far away as I can, but sadly, I didn't listen. A part of me asked myself the reason why I didn't. I knew he was a better runner than me, but why didn't I at least try?

"Oh, hi..." I said, trying hard not to remember what happened at the morning of Grandine and Igneel's wedding day. "So, uh... what's up?"

He faintly blushed. "I wanted to talk to you about...what happened at the guy's dressing room..."

Trying hard to not remember something was difficult for me. It was especially difficult when my best friend, who was also my crush, had to remind me of what just happened between us. I then tried to cover the sound of my heart, beating louder and faster, as if it was running a marathon. A marathon that wouldn't stop.

I tried to act dumb. "What do you mean?"

"You know perfectly well what happened," Romeo said, his voice a bit high pitched. A fact about Romeo was that if he was in an embarrassing conversation, his voice would go a little higher than usual. He would also start talking a bit faster, gradually, as the conversation goes on.

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