Chapter Forty-One: Don't Ignore Me

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This book is slowly coming to a close.

Not this chapter, but I won't tell you which. I was arguing to myself that I should keep the story going until June, but I didn't want to, because I had another idea in my mind that I wanted to do. Needless to say, I liked that idea.

Do any of you guys remember me talking about whether I should put drama in this book? Well, it's going to start now. I hate writing these types of scenarios, but I'll get through it. Just picture cute little bunnies...


Lucy's POV:

"Are you ok, Lucy? You look kind of sad," Erza remarked. I sighed deeply as we continued walking to our classroom. The past week was a total bummer. Not only that, Levy went to go visit her relatives in Japan, so it was boring without her. Luckily, I still have Erza to talk to.

"Natsu won't pick up his calls, texts, and emails. It's starting to bother me a little bit," I replied. We both sat next to each other, since we have five minutes until the bell rings. Erza opened her binder up and tore out a sheet of notebook paper.

"State your full name and age." I looked at her weirdly, but followed her orders.

"Lucy Heartfilia. Age 17," I answered bluntly. Erza nodded and wrote the information down on her notebook paper. She immediately let out the loudest gasp ever and threw her pencil in the air. I easily caught it, relieved that the pencil didn't fall to the hard floor.

"Today is your birthday!" Erza exclaimed. I slowly nodded my head and she dove in to give me a hug. Birthdays aren't really special in my opinion. It's just a day when you realize you are one year older than you were before. You would expect something special to happen on your birthday, but it's just like any other day. Normal.

"You can let go of me now, Erza. It's not a big deal." She freed me from her arms and pouted.

"But, it is a bid deal..." I gave her a bored expression.

"How so?"

"It's the day you turn from 16 to 17. That's a huge thing." I scrunched up my nose at her and shook my head.

"Well, in my opinion, it's not. Anyways, why are you writing all my information down? It's like you're interviewing me," I said as I gave her back the pencil. She grabbed it from me and continued writing.

"I don't know. When I grow up, I want to be a therapist and help people when they are in need. I'll sit on my chair and they'll lay down on the couch, while telling me all their problems. I will listen attentively and jot down some notes on my paper to remember what they've said during the session." I turned my attention away from her and smiled.

"You would be a great therapist. You're always there when we need you the most." Erza nodded, while smiling to herself.

"How long did Natsu avoid you?" I furrowed my eyebrows and counted in my head.

"He hasn't made any contact with me for two weeks. During school, we would make small talk, but he would always find an excuse to do something else. I even tried talking to him during class, but I was afraid the teacher would notice or he'll completely shut me off." Erza kept bobbing her head up and down, still keeping her eyes on her notebook paper.

"Do you know why he's acting like this?" I tried to recall why he was ignoring me, but nothing came to my head. Usually, Natsu would tell me everything. I found it odd that I didn't know the reason why he was ignoring me. It was bothering me a lot.

"No," I answered shortly. Erza stopped writing and looked up at me. I turned my head to face her and she gave me a serious expression on her face.

"I think Natsu is keeping something from you. I suggest that you go talk to him and clear out the problem together. Tell him how you feel. It'll make the situation better." I kept that in mind and the bell began to ring. I looked around for Natsu and he rushed into the classroom in the nick of time. I'll be sure to use the advice Erza told me after school.


The dismissal bell rang and everybody got up from their seats to go home. Natsu seemed to be the quickest one, since he already put all his stuff away. I tried to catch up to him before I lost my sight on him.

"Natsu!" I called out to him. He froze where he was and glanced at my direction. I ran up to him and tried to catch my breath. I looked at him and he was displeased to see me, which sent a sharp pain through my heart.

"I kind of need to go somewhere," he said. He was about to walk away from me, but not before I grabbed arm. Natsu yanked his arm away and gave me an annoyed expression. I tried to hide the sad emotion I was feeling.

"Natsu, you keep avoiding me and I don't like it. You know you can tell me anything, right? I know there's something wrong you're not telling me and I get that it's not any of my business, but I hate seeing you look unhappy. At least tell me if there's something I could do to help." Natsu looked guilty and turned away from me.

"Can you wait a little longer? I really need to go somewhere." He took off without listening to a word I had to say. A single tear threatened to fall from my eyes. I wiped it away and watched him run away from me.

"But...what if I'm tired of waiting?"

"Hey, Lucy. Are you doing alright?" I looked behind me and found Gray with his usual expression he always has. I put on my fake smile and nodded. He didn't seem convinced.

"Do you know what's wrong with Natsu?" I asked Gray.

"No, I usually leave him alone until he gets better. Sometimes it's better to give someone some space, so they can clear their minds." I took a seat on the bench and covered my face with my hands. Gray took a seat next to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be this emotional." I set my hands down and took a deep breath out. He gave me a sentimental smile and looked at my teary eyes.

"Hey, can you face me for a second and close your eyes?" I obediently listened to him and closed my eyes. I could feel him leaning forward to my face and using his fingers to wipe away all the tears that I produced.

"Thanks, Gray. You're a really nice person." He gave me a pat on the back and walked away. He stopped before he was about to reach the gate and looked at me for one last time.

"Natsu has a lot on his plate. Just know that it's not any of your fault." I nodded my head and he was gone in a flash. The day was going by quickly, so I got up and started walking back home. Little did I know, there was a blue-haired person who was spying on us this whole time...

To be continued...


Next Update: When I have time...

Oh, man. Sh!t is about to get real! I think you guys can assume what's going to happen in the next chapter. I'm still not going to tell you guys, though. I know I said I hate writing these types of things, but they are really juicy. Also, I don't ship Rogue and Kagura. XD


Rogue: What do you have planned for the readers, Author-san?


Kagura: Why are you being so hyped up about meeting him?

Author: Oh, it's Kagura...

Kagura: Way to be so down to see me.

Author: Meh, I still like you. Just don't get close to Rogue or I'll kill you.

Rogue: But, we're together.

Author: I'm sorry. I think I may be hearing wrong. Did you just say that you both are together?

Kagura: Yeah, we've been dating for about a year and a half. It's going great actually.

Author: *heart shatters into a million pieces*

Rogue: Author-san? Are you ok?

Kagura: Uh...let's just do the disclaimer...

Rogue: Alright. Author-san doesn't own Fairy Tail. Hiro Mashima does. If she did, she would've taken Kagura out from the anime.

Kagura: Oh, that piece of sh-

Rogue: Bye!


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