Chapter Eight: Eat Me

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I dunno why I'm writing this, but just read this. I want everyone to know that no matter what happens, there will always be someone there to support you all the way. Whether it may be good or bad, they will always be by your side. Enough with my little chit-chat, enjoy the chapter!


Lucy's POV:

"Princess!" Virgo exclaimed as she saw me. I wasn't able to erase the image of Natsu and me so close together. One wrong move and we might've actually kissed.

"What is it, Virgo?" I asked politely. She bowed her head.

"Princess, your father wants me to tell you that he won't be coming back in a long time," Virgo informed me.

"Oh, thanks," I said. I never had a close relationship with my dad. Our longest conversation would be like thirty seconds and that was it. All I want is to sit down with him and just have a long conversation with each other. Is that too much to ask?

"Are you ok, Princess? You look sad," Virgo said as she tried to comfort me. I love how Virgo would hug me when I'm feeling down or depressed about something. She's one of my favorite maids.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing don't worry," I lied. Virgo released me from the hug and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Punishment?" She asked. I'll never understand why she keeps asking for punishment, but I got used to it.



I was super early today that I decided to see what Levy was up to. She was probably at the library as usual. I headed to the direction of the library when I saw Lisanna talking to her friends. Not wanting them to look at me, I scurried on over to the other side and tried to avoid eye contact with them. I successfully made it across, but not without me overhearing their conversation. I decided to tell Natsu about it later.

Going inside the library, I was able to find Levy with her face buried on a book she was currently reading, The Fault in Our Stars. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face, thinking how much of a hopeless romantic she was. Though, I shouldn't really blame her. After all, I kind of was too.

I sat down next to Levy and decided to have a quick chat with her before my first class.


Natsu's POV:

"Great job, Natsu! 97%!" Mr. Gildarts exclaimed. He gave me back my test and I was surprised. Lucy turned around with a shocked expression on her face, but congratulated me. I never thought getting a good grade on a test can feel this good.

"I can't believe you have a higher grade than me! I have a 95%!" Lucy exclaimed as she showed me her test.

"What can I say? I have a very good tutor and she happens to be sitting in front of me right now," I said as I winked at Lucy. Her cheeks began to show a bit of pink. I smiled at her reaction. Her blush soon vanished and she it got replaced with a serious expression.

"Natsu, have you heard any rumors?" She asked. I thought for a moment and gasped.

"I know! The lunch lady is finally pregnant! I knew she had it in her!" I exclaimed excitedly. Took her long enough to get pregnant.

"What? No! Who even told you that? I heard from Lisanna's friends that they're suspecting something going on between us. Well, not me, but you cheating on Lisanna," Lucy stated. I gave her a weird look.

"Really? Are you cereal right now?" She nodded her head.

"Yes, I'm cereal right now. Just pour me in a bowl with milk and eat me," she said sarcastically.

"Nah, you'd taste gross," I joked. She gave me a death glare and smacked me in the head. I chuckled silently, so the teacher wouldn't hear us.

"Hey, Lucy! What are you guys talking about? Ooh! I wanna know!" Lucy's friend squirmed. Isn't her name Levi?

"Not now, Levy. I'll tell you later ok? During lunch," Lucy told her friend. Levy pouted and crossed her arms.

"Aww, fine," she said as she went back to taking notes in class. Lucy went back to talking to me.

"Natsu, one of Lisanna's friends almost told her who she thinks which girl was hanging out with you over the weekend. What if she tells her it was me?"

"Hey, if they suspect that I was cheating on Lisanna for you, then I could go talk to her and clear the whole misunderstanding," I said.

"I hope so. You don't want to know what Lisanna-" realizing what she was about to say, she covered her mouth, as if she was about to spill a very important secret.

"What did Lisanna do?" I asked. She played with her fingers and looked down.

"Oh, uh...never mind. That's not important." She turned around and jotted down the homework we were suppose to turn in next week. What could she have meant?


Thanks so much for reading! I hope you like the chapter! I also hope that you guys are having a better day than me! :) This chapter was MAJORLY edited.


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