Earthquake Drill + Random stuff about my new school X3

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Holy shit I'm having an earthquake drill tomorrow O-O it was on the news. I think all of the schools in the Philippines are doing it.

Idk why but I'm scared ;~; I thought fire drills were worse but this? A maplefucking earthquake drill?

Halp meh Doitsu...

If you're mentally asking yourself if I'm doing fine in school, yeah I think I am X3 I made a guy friend yesterday during SAP (Student Activity Period). We got paired up and I told him about my life before I came here. And then somehow at the end of it I had a little group of people around me and I told my secrets (not literally). It was fun :3

Miriam College is a Catholic school and the class prays before and after every lesson. I pretended to pray (*le gasp*) for the first few days but when I was asked for my religion during SAP I said I was athiest. They asked me why I was 'praying' and I said I wanted to fit in.

They were totally okay with me being athiest and told me that I didn't have to fit in, thank maple. But I'm still conscious about the teachers and what might happen if they catch me just standing there and not praying like the rest of the class... O-O

Anyways. Getting off track here.

I also love the people who take the school service. They're so maplefucking loud and noisy and I love it. There was this kid with a 'lightsaber' which was only a folded piece of paper coloured red and he had a 'magical pen' which was there the first time I rode the school service to school. I'm pretty sure he's a Y4 kid.

God, I like that kid. He's so random it hurts. In a good way. :') And then there's his big bro who I suppose is in Y9. He doesn't know a word of Tagalog (at least I understand and speak a little of it) and talks in a somewhat American accent. I like him too X3 He's cool in my book.

I like being at Miriam, it's pretty cool. I sit next to the window so I have a good view of the mountain near our school (Mt. Makiling). The entire school is technically in the middle of nowhere but I love it.

In MIS, all you could see outside was the part of Mesaieed in front of the school. Boring...

But Miriam! Oh my gah, way more beautiful in my opinion.


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