Showing Powers And Sleep overs

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Jess' P.O.V:

After Telling them about my powers Erica pipes up,"Prove it!!!!" "Okay." I say as i get up. "Telekinesisis the ability to move objects as well as individuals with the mind. It can be channeled through the eyes or hands, the latter being the most common way to use the power. This is one of the most common yet strongest powers possessed by magical beings, be they good, evil or neutral.," I say as I Move the Pot on the table,(LIKE PRUE DID)"Levitation is the ability to propel oneself into the air and hover or move through the air slightly. It is primarily a defensive power used to avoid attacks. It is also a weaker version of Flight, a power which this ability can evolve into,"I say as I rise 6 ft in the air. I laugh as their jaws drop."Molecular Combustion," I yell happily as I blow up an apple. "WOW!!! Now THAT'S cool! How did you do that?" Benny exclaimed as I Blushed. "Molecular Combustion means The ability to make molecules speed up to the point that causes an explosion. The power is channeled through hand gestures, and is one of the strongest offensive powers possessed by the Charmed Ones." "Charmed Ones? I read about them in my book there are well techinally 4 but 1 died, Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige! They are the most powerful good witches of all time!! Right??"Benny said in one breath. "Right you are Benny-Boy. Next power! Molecular Immobilization, more commonly referred to as freezing, is the ability to slow down molecules to the point where they move so slowly that objects and people appear completely motionless, simulating stopping time in a localized range." you say as you freeze Rory mid speed run. When I unfreeze him he falls and i burst out laughing. "Okay next is Astral Projection, The ability to project the consciousness into an astral form outside of the body."I say as I astral(?) Behind them and yell causing them to jump. "Last is Orbing, The ability to teleport through use of blue and white orbs.  This power is used by Whitelighters and Whitelighter-Witches, and Orb Shield, A form of force field; the ability to create a protective bubble from orbs." I say as i orb upstairs and Yell, "Marco!" then create a Orb Shield as they come in.

"Guys As much as that's awesome I think we should get to bed."Sarah says while yawning and I nod. "Erica and Sarah you can sleep over since it's Jess' 1st night here." Ethan says. "Well I'm going to change." I say as I grab my PJ's Bag and head to the Bathroom. I change into a over sized Blue sweat shirt and Black Leggings. I Brush though my long brown 'thing'(hair) and braid it to the side and orbed out of the bathroom. I walked into the Living room and saw a gaint pillow fort. "Jess!!! Come sit here!!!!" Sarah yelled as she patted the Blue Pillow in between her and... Benny. I blush and sit down to see everyone, minus Benny, giving me knowing looks. I glare and we start telling each other more about every one. After Midnight the boys head upstairs to sleep. Before Leaving Benny wisphered in my ear,"You are really Charmed and pretty, you know?" I blushed as he smirked and went upstairs and my face was red all night.


There we go 2 chaps. in one day!!! YAY

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