The Me You Never Knew

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Jess' POV~

Me and Beth were the first to get to the lunchroom with Benny, Ethan, Santana, and Brittany right behind us. We got some food and sat with the gleeks, Erica, Sarah, and Rory going to get their "snacks". Santana and Britt pulled me a bit aways from the Benny and Ethan.

"So, what's up with you and the blonde hottie? Besides you and Britt, of course." San smirked.

"Of course. But me and Rory are just friends, but he has potential." I smiled, poking at the "food" on my plate.

"So, you're still single?" Britt asked, raising a brow. I laughed and nodded.

"Well then we might as well have some fun. Tonight, my place? The family are out." San smirked.

"Of course. I missed you guys." I replied as the vamps entered the lunchroom.

Rory came to sit with me as Benny and Beth moved over to us.

"So, I'm assuming that you are staying at Britt's or San's tonight." Beth snickered.

Rory and Benny looked questionably at one another and Beth burst out laughing. I groaned in annoyance and took my tray and headed for the trash. San and Britt followed suit, us all locking pinkies and heading to the choir room. We entered and noticed we were the only ones in there. I sighed and plopped down on a seat in the back row.

"So I'm guessing you didn't tell anyone down there about us." San said, taking the seat in front of me.

"No. When I first met them, I figured they would be classic teenage boys." I replied, pulling Britt into the seat next to me.

"Well I think that Beth is totally gonna tell them." Britt said.


"Why does it matter if Jess is at Santana's or Brittany's house tonight?" Benny asked me after Jess, Santana, and Brittany go.

"You don't know?" I asked, smirking mischievously.

"Don't know what?" Rory asked.

"Hey what's going on?" Ethan asked with Erica and Sarah behind him.

"I was just about to tell Rory and Benny why Jess will be at Santana's or Brittany's house tonight." I smiled, feigning innocence.

"And?" Erica gestured.

"She, Brittany, and Santana were in an open, polyamorous relationship until she started dating Sam. Now, since she is single again, she will most likely have sex with them tonight." I said, watching all their faces turn to shock, "She is pansexual."

"Jess is gonna have sex with those two, extremely hot girls... That's-" Benny started.

"Really hot." Rory finished. I groan and head for Mike Chang, Asian Dancer.

"Hey Mikey. In Glee wanna show them the routine we were working on before I left?" I asked smiling.

"Yep, but I know Mike really wants to dance the dance he and Jess won that Dance competition with. They never got to show us." He smiled, jerking his head over to Matt who was talking to Mercedes and Finn.

"Okay. Well lunch is over so let's go to Glee."


"You, Santana, and Brittany?!?!" Ethan screeched as he and the gang stormed into the choir room, the gleeks hot on their trail, sitting in the seats, unfazed.

"Yeah, Ethan." I replied.

"Why didn't you tell us Jess?" Rory asked, crossing his arms.

"Because you are teenage boys, Blondie, you'd probably wanna see something that she wasn't comfortable with." San snapped.

"We just don't like that you kept something from us, Jess! I thought we were friends!" Benny suddenly yelled.

"You are not my boyfriend or my father Benny! Yes, we are friends but I don't have to tell you everything about me right away. You didn't tell me about you and Della right away." I countered, getting frustrated, causing my powers to be on the fritz, making the chair I was sitting on to rattle softly.

"Do not do that to me Jessica Halliwell! I did not tell you later than anyone " He retaliated.

"You told me a week later than everyone else. Both Rory and Della confirmed that. So get your your head out of ass Benjamin Weir." I said as I sat back down and started to talk to Santana about if I should bring snacks to her house.

Mr. Shue awkwarding started the lesson, writing this week's lesson on the board: Love and Heartbreak. Apparently, we have to sing both a love song and a song about love. This should be easy. Of course, Rachel sang some sappy love song to Finn, Belted out long, high notes. I looked at the back of Benny's head and huffed silently. We were dismissed to go home and I told San and Britt that I would be there after I grabbed clothes from the manor. I was walking to the school doors when Rory approached me with the gang trailing behind him, silent.

"Jess?" He asked, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, Rory?" I replied as we walked out of McKinley.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Rory you aren't the one that has to apologize. The spell master does." I turned around,glaring at Benny.

"Don't, Jess." Benny warned.

"Do not start that shit with me Benny. Everyone else reacted like I thought they would, except you. So until you provide reasoning and an apology, I don't want to hear it." I said then orbed home.

Should I write a smut in the next chapter? Comment yes or no. Hope you liked it!!! Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!

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