The Aftermath

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I had just closed Santana's front door to leave when I heard the jingling, signaling someone was calling for me. I checked the street and orbed to where the voice was calling. It was Aunt Billie with my mom and her sisters, and they were fighting demons. I had orbed in just in time to be hit with an energy ball. I screamed as it flung me into the railing on the stairs.

"Jess!" It was Rory who quickly ran down and pulled me up the stairs.

We got to the attic where the gang was with my brothers and my half cupid cousins. As soon as Rory and I entered the attic, Wyatt yelped and immediately came to heal me. As he was doing so Benny approached me.

"Jess, I'm sorry, I was just shocked." He looked down at his feet.

"It's fine I guess, Benny," I sighed as Wyatt finished healing me, "So what's going on?"

"Some demon attacked and then another demon came in called Cryto. They sent us up here to get stuff for the vanquish." Parker, my cousin, explained in a hurry.

"Cryto? They will need the power of Three." I said going to the book, writing down the Spell Aunt Prue wrote down.

"They've already tried. And Aunt Billie even tried using her projection power, but it didn't work fully." Chris explained.

"Okay well then the Next Generation Charmed One's will have to do it. Come on Wyatt, Chris. Let's save us some parents." I grabbed a potion Sarah handed me and grabbed my tall brothers, the rest of the teenagers following slowly.

We got down to see that Cryto had gained the ability to throw energy balls, must've gotten them in the demonic wasteland. We snuck closer and I threw the potion, causing him to fly into the furniture in the conservatory. We stood and I unfolded the paper as we started to chant.

"What witches done and then undone, Return this spirit back within, and separate him from his skin."

Nothing happened and Cryto laughed, and waved his hand, using telekinesis to send me forward under the chandelier.

"Fools, Only the power of three can vanquish me, and with the help of a powerful Seer, I now know you are the key to finding the new Charmed One's." He sneered, lighting an energy ball in his hand.

"Et ego mitto vos auferat!" Benny cast a spell and Cryto went flying again.

Benny and Ethan had come to help me back up, and as soon as their hands touched mine, the Chandelier shook and lit up. Cryto tried to send Energy balls but they bounced off and hit him, temporarily immobilizing him. The boys helped me up and I got a vision. It was of Mom, Aunt Phoebe, and Aunt Paige. It was when the Charmed One's were born again. Phoebe had linked arms with Paige and when Mom shook her hand, The Power Of Three had come to be. I got out of the vision and looked at Ethan, who nodded, meaning he saw the same.

"The Power of Three." I simply said.

"No!" Cryto screamed and sent a Energy ball flying.

"Energy Ball," I sent back towards him, "Come on guys, Let's send him back to the Wasteland."

They nodded and we began chanting.

"What witches done and then undone, Return this spirit back within, and separate him from his skin!"

"He will come for you! I will be avenged!" Cryto screamed, flames engulfing him

I sat down on the ground and sighed.

"What does it mean that we are the new Power of Three?" Benny asked.

"That's because The Charmed One's destiny had been fulfilled, now yours must be." A voice said.

We turned to find The Angel of Destiny standing there in all her glory, silver robes flowing about. She smiled at us and we got up and approached her.

"What do you mean?" Mom asked.

"I mean that winning against the Ultimate Power was the completion of your destiny. Now, since Jess has found the other 2, their joined destiny can begin," She smiled, walking aroungd us as she continued, "Before you girls were born there were other Charmed Ones, it was the only way to keep powerful demons from upsetting the grand design. Once 3 powerful elements of good magic come together, then The Power Of Three will be. Benjamin Weir will be one of the most powerful wizards, Ethan Morgan is a rarity, a good Seer, apart from Kyra from 16 years ago, who the elders did save from the demonic wasteland and she was made human, and finally, Jessica Halliwell, the daughter of Piper and Leo Halliwell, a twice blessed child, half witch, half whitelighter."

"So what does this mean for us?" Phoebe asked.

"You will make of life what you will, you can keep your powers." She replied and zipped off.

"So what does this mean?" Benny asked.

"It means we have a new destiny Benny." Ethan elaborated.

"We are now the Charmed Ones, The Power Of Three." I said, going in between them, and wrapped my arms around them both.

"What are you doin Jess?" Beth asked.

"I'm taking them on a demon hunt! Gotta send a message to the underworld. Let's go see the Vampiric Demons." I smiled, holding on to the boys and orbing out, them squeaking as we did so.


Jess orbed out and I started laughing.

"Jess and her Demon Hunts." Piper smiled, then her face fell.

"What is it Mrs. Halliwell?" Rory asked.

"Benny and Ethan haven't been on one of her demon hunts." Piper replied, making Paige, Phoebe, and Billie's eyes widen.

"We've got to go after them." Billie deadpanned.

"Parker, Beam Sarah and Beth with you, we will orb after you. Wyatt and Chris, Take Erica and Rory." Phoebe said to the her 13 year old daughter, causing her to nod and grab mine and Sarah's hand.

Erica and Rory then connected their hands to Jess' brothers and we beamed to the Underworld, hearing Wyatt, Chris, and Paige's orbs following.

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