Chapter 4

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Eren's P.O.V

Lunch soon ends and Armin and I make our way to our class. We walk hand in hand down the hallway as people give us stares, gasp, comments and so on. They were good comments though like: 'finally those two are together!' You know..things like that.

I'm surprised that everyone is happy for us.

I look down at Armin to see him have a scared expression on his face. He soon looks up to me, gripping my arm and scooted closer to me as we walked.

"Eren, I'm scared, what if Jean starts bothering me again? What if he won't leave me alone?" Armin asks while frantically looking around for Jean.

"Then I'll kick his ass" I muttered, my tone angry.

When am I not angry?

I hear Armin laughed then a tall figure appears in front of us, making us stop walking.


Jean, you little bitch.

"Hey cutie" Jean says to Armin, totally ignoring my existence. He gently caresses Armin's cheeks and continues talking. "Are you busy later tonight?"

Oh! That's my cue!

"Fuck off Jean! He's mine!" I growled, snatching his hand away from Armin's face.

Jean rolled his eyes. "Chill Eren, I was just asking him a question." He gave me a smirk, making me want to gouge my eyes out with spoons.

I'll gouge his eyes out with spoon if he keeps looking at me. Fucktard. Shitstain.


We sat down in our seats waiting for Mr. Shadis to start teaching.

I fucking hate this class, it's Algebra, I'm never gonna use this in life.

I look over to see Armin enjoying himself. I smile at him, seeing him happy in all. I turn back to the front of the class and see Mikasa smiling at both of us, I smile back and started doing my work. I never liked doing algebra or anything related to math, but Armin was there to help me and I was thankful for that. Without him I'd probably fail this class.

Armin' P.O.V

School has ended, leaving Eren and I to walk home with each other since Mikasa went home with Annie and Petra. Eren hums a song as I walk in silence.

Come on Armin! Just ask him, the worse he could say is no. Don't be a...yeah nevermind.

I taps Eren's shoulder to get his attention, he quickly turns to me and spoke with a curious tone.  "What is it?"

"I was...uh...wondering if....uh... you wanted to come over?" I questioned, my cheeks turning a dark pink as moments went by.

"I'd love to" Eren smiled, then kissed the top of my head.


Eren's P.O.V

We were eating dinner, just the both of us since both of his parents were gone for the week. After we were done eating we decided to watch a movie, we argued with each other about what movie we wanted to watch, I wanted to watch The Gallows, he wanted to watch The Lion King. He gave me his infamous puppies eyes which made him win. During the movie we cuddled until Armin's stomach started making weird noises.

"Eren, I don't feel so-" right then and there he puked all over himself, a little bit on me but mostly on himself. He rushed to the bathroom before he started puking again, I rub his back as he...well you know. He soon finished, taking off his shirt and throwing it in the hamper leaving me just staring, thank god he didn't notice. He soon falls down while brushing his teeth.

"Shit, Armin are you ok?" I ask, my voice full of concern.

"Mhm, I think so, my knees just gave out that's all" He said, a little out of it, with a raspy voice from the vomiting.

Now his head was flopping round like a rag doll.

Damn he's THAT sick?!? He doesn't even have enough strength to hold up his head.

I pick him up bridal style and head to his room. Once I get to his room, I gently lay him down in his bed and walk back into the bathroom to find a thermometer to check Armin's temperature. One I found what I was looking for, I walked back into his room to find him asleep.

Awww! He looks so cute when he's sleeping , I don't want to wake him up but I need to check his temperature.

I walk over to the sleeping blonde, gently shaking him to wake him up, "Babe wake up, I gotta check your temperature" I spoke softly.

He then turn his head to me, not opening his eyes. I see that his face is pale, lips chapped, and lightly sweating. I saw that he was shivering so I took off my hoodie and put in on Armin, then I continued to finish what I was doing before.

"Say ah" I chuckle.

"Ahhhh". I stick the device under his tongue and wait for the beep. Once I hear the beep, I check what his temperature.

39.4 degrees. (103 in Fahrenheit)

I grab a cloth, wet it and then put it on Armin's forehead. I take off my pants leaving me in my tank top and boxers, I then get in bed with him and cuddle up to him. I soon hear soft snores coming from his lips. I lay his head on my chest and soon fall asleep.

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