Chapter 7

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Eren's P.O.V

He connects his lips to mine, he removed his hand from under my shirt and put both of his hand at the back of my head, gripping my hair and pulling my hair. He licks my bottom lip asking to enter, I decline and pull away from Armin.

He starts pouting and whining .

"Eren, why'd you pull away?" he whines, still pouting.

"Because I knew what was gonna happen if I didn't" I said with a serious tone.

He continues to whine and complain, "So what?"

"Armin, you're not getting what I'm saying, we're 16, we are TOO YOUNG" I say, saying the last part louder so he'd get the point.

"Come on! Really?!?" He says in frustration.

" Yes really" I say calmly, I really don't wanna start an argument.

"This isn't a big deal Eren!"

I flinch from the sudden yell, I didn't expect him to start yelling. I know I must stay calm if I want to get the point across.

"Yes it, if you aren't ready, then you don't do it"

"So you're saying that you aren't ready" he huffs, standing in front of me arms crossed.

"Yeah I am"

"But, I'm ready"

"You're going to have to wait then"

"I don't want to"

I'm gonna lose it. I'm gonna fucking lose it.

"Well go fuck someone else then" I say as I begin to walk out the door.

I can't deal with him right now.

"Wait what?!? Eren, don't walk out on me!" He yell with sadness and shock as he grabs my wrist trying to stop me from leaving.

"You heard what I said, I told you I wasn't ready and you kept saying that you were, it's fucking annoying and It pissed me off" I say lowly, not looking at him.

"Oh" He slowly lets go of my wrist.

"Yeah.....oh" I grumbled.

I start to walk out the door, but Armin started following me. I put my head phones on indicating that I don't wanna be bothered. By the time I get to the  end of he driveway he stops following me. I don't look back him, knowing if I do, he'll probably start crying. I continue to walk home and into the night.


I finally reach home about 20 minutes later. I open the door and see Mikasa in the kitchen.

"Hey Eren, how was Armin today?" She asks happily.

"Fan-fucking-tastic" I growl as I walk into my bedroom.

"Wow, ok then" She mumbled turning her attention back to her phone.

I walk into my room and throw myself onto my bed, about 5 minutes later my phone buzzes in my pocket for the 3rd time, I pull out my phone and see that I got a few texts from Armin.

Blonde Cutie <3

I'm really sorry, I wasn't thinking, are you still mad at me?

Blonde Cutie <3

Eren please text me back, I wanna talk to you.

Blonde Cutie <3

I get it, I'll stop texting you, I'll leave you alone.

I put my phone on the charger and turn it off. I take off my shirt, jeans and shoes leaving me in my boxers. I climb in to my bed and check the time.

9:06 pm

I've been gone that long?

I pull the covers up, lay down and fall asleep.

Next day

I walk to my locker with my hood up and head down. I'm trying to avoid people today because I'm still pissed at what Armin pull last night. Once I reach my locker, I open it up and put my back pack on the hook, and I grab my chemistry book and walk to class. I was soon interrupted with my thoughts  when I hear some one call my name....Armin.

"Eren! Eren wait up!"

I don't responded to him and keep walking but, he soon catches up me

"Hey Eren, did you sleep well last night?" he says with a huge smile.

I still don't respond and keep walking. 30 seconds later he understand my actions.

"Oh, you're still mad at me" he hangs his head low with shame.

"Mhm" I reply with out looking.

"You know it was a dare right? I was told to do what I did last night and I'd get ninety dollars. So don't be upset anymore please." Armin explained as he looks up a me.

"It was?" I thought about who came up with it and I knew it had to be Connie. "Was it Connie"

"Yeah it was, are you still mad at me?" A hopeful look clear in his eyes.

"I guess not" I smile look straight into his ocean blue eyes. I kiss his cheek and continue walking to class.

"But I am gonna kill Connie"

"Eren no."



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