New York

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I had been wondering the streets for some time when I saw what I was looking for, New York, the big apple. I always dreamed of visiting New York since I was a small child, but mom never thought that would happen, especially with an untalented, motherfucker like me. I knew I had to show her she was wrong, that I was very special indeed, and this was how. My body had healed quite a bit after my week-long journey to this magical place, but my bones still terribly ached and were still broken. They had put out an Amber Alert, looking for the ten year old little girl named Alyssa, but that little girl was dead, and a new little girl was born and her name was Snow Blue. I repositioned my guitar on my shoulder and walked towards paradise.

"Watch it ya filthy rat!"

"Get away from my son you dirty mongrel!"

"Spare change miss?" Those were the most common phrases that I heard. A fancy looking guy had pushed me after I accidently bumped into him. A women with expensive looking jewels had shoved me away with her foot after I had attempted to smile and ask her son how was he doing. A homeless bum had stuck his hands out and looked at me with a souless expression asking me for some money, I had smiled slightly and moved away from him quickly. New York wasnt how it was on TV, kind amd beautiful, it was mean and ugly, like my mother. I ran to the subway station and saw there were many people trying to make money in this tough place. There was a mime, a dancer, and some people with instruments. As I made my way to a corner to play, all guitar players looked at me with a look of total amusement at a small child thinking she could make it in the city of broken dreams. I nervously sat down on the cold cement and looked at the crowd of people hurrying towards the subway that would carry them to their homes or their high paying jobs. I closed my eyes and released a shaky breath, then strummed the instrument that would decide how I lived in this fucked up place. The sound was a little weird to my ears and I knew it was because I had forgotten to tune the sixth string. I tuned it quickly so that the sound was very angellic. Some people stopped to watch as I played the lulliby my nana had always played for me, but I didnt sing, I never sang because my mother told me that I couldnt sing, even when she was sober. I totally blanked out until I heard clapping, I looked up to see some people smiling and clapping I had my guitar case out and people threw some money in it while I stood there completely lost for words. The other people who had instruments were completely shocked that a random ten year old had earned more attention than them. For the whole day I played some songs I knew off the top of my head and the small gathering of people would sing aloud the words to the song. After the subway was closed I put away my guitar and left the subway station feeling proud. I decided to go to sleep under the small bridge near the edge of the city. After I got myself comfortable I opened my guitar case and counted the money inside. In one day I had made 150.24! My heart felt like it was going to burst, a hundred and fifty dollars could buy me a meal, since I havent eaten anything decent in over a week. While mentally ordering something at a diner I didnt see the little injured wolf pup until it whined. I looked at it with a whole lot of sympathy and I caustiously picked him/her up.

"Did your mother leave you too?" I asked feeling the tears build. The pup gave me a sad look in his/her eyes and I knew it was just like me. "I'll take care of you, I promise." I looked between its legs to find out what it was and it was a girl. I smiled and thought of a name. "How bout ginger?" I asked, through the dark I saw she was a wolf with a reddish-brownish fur color. She sneezed and shook her head. "Fine.. how bout New York?" She licked my face like she was trying to tell me that it was a good idea. I laughed for the first time in over a month and set her down gently in the guitar case. She was the size of a small football so she could easily sleep in it. I stroked her fur and got caught up in her eyes. One was a clear blue, like on a sunny day with no clouds and the other was a green like the Amazon forest. Her ears perked up at the sound of howling and I felt as if it was her mother calling for her, to apologize. I knew that road too well. My mom would always do that when she hit me and I ran away to a place she didnt know about. I wouldnt let New York go back to her for her mother to get hurt again. I held New York in my arms until the howling stopped. She looked up at me as if saying, "Why? She was calling me, she wanted me to come home." I shook my head violently and let tears slip away. "She was gonna hurt you again, trust me, I know." I told her. She nuzzled into my arm and we fell asleep, carefully guarding our money for food.

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