Sex with a celebrity part 2

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(Snow's POV)

As soon as we were in the closet my mind had time to process everything. Liam and I. In the closet. Kissing. This was so wrong but felt so right. His hands were rubbing against my body causing me to shiver, his lips trailed down my neck and chest making a soft moan escape my own. He reacted to it and continued to kiss and lick my body.

"Liam, I.. cant.." I moaned. He slowed down and looked at my face through the dark.

"You cant what?" He asked, breath shaking. I didnt want to make him upset and mess up our friendship but that ship had set sail as soon as we kissed.

"Im a virgin." I said, trying to make this whole thing stop. But of course, it didnt.

"I'll help you with that." He whispered. Shit. We remained where we were and he took off my shirt.

"Liam, maybe we shouldnt do this now." I said, still holding onto my shirt he took off.

"I think you're right, the boys are probably wondering where we are, and Niall's definantly wondering where his food is." He said, making me smile. I put my shirt back on and he opened the door and I saw that his face was bright red. We walked back to the hotel room and opened the door. The boys looked at us with anger in their eyes.

"Where were you guys? We're starving!" Niall yelled. I opened my mouth to talk but Liam started before I could.

"We walked to a resturant far from the hotel to talk and Snow wanted to go to the bakery to get a cupcake and we had that going on and we're sorry." He said in a mouthful. Niall grabbed the bag that Liam had picked up from outside the door and rummaged through it, grabbing the plate of lo mein and stuffing his face.

"Whatever, I got my food." He mumbled. Louis, Zayn and Harry were playing Twister and as soon as Louis put his left leg next to Zayn's face, Harry sneezed and fell on top of them both. I smiled on the outside but frowned on the inside. I really fucked up everything. Niall thinks we're dating and Liam thinks we're gonna have sex. Whats next, Zayn's gonna think we're gonna get married? I need to confront them, seperately. We all sat down to eat what was left of the Chinese food that Niall didnt eat and it was quiet. After dinner I helped Louis clean up since it was his turn to clean and everyone went to lay down.

"Everything okay Blue?" He asked, washing dishes.

"Oh, uh yeah, its just... nevermind." I said, putting the dish towel down and sitting in the chair next to me. He stopped washing the dishes and sat next to me.

"C'mon, you can tell me, we are best friends." He said.

"I thought I was your best friend, boobear?" Harry asked from the couch.

"Shut up cupcake, Im not talking to you!" Louis shouted. I laughed and he turned back to me. "I made you smile, now, tell boobear whats wrong."

"Its just that I think I ruined everything." I said. My mom was right, I did ruin everything, our family, her relationship, and everything else that I get into. He put his arm around my shoulder.

"What did you ruin?" He asked.

"You guys' band."

"It has something to do with Niall and Liam, huh?" He said matter of factly. I looked at him confused.

"You know?" He nodded his head.

"Not the details but, I do know because a little birdie told me."


"Lets just say his name rhymes with Douie, tell me the details." I rolled my eyes and told him everything from kissing Niall, to almost doing Liam in the closet. After I told him he started patting my head. "Silly, silly girl, you think that you ruined everything? All you need to do is talk to them, they'll understand." He said. I smiled and actually meant it. I could do this, it was easy, or so I thought.

(Niall's POV)

I was staring at the ceiling thinking about Snow when she walked in and looked at me.

"Niall, can we talk?" She asked. I smiled and nodded, getting up slowly from my full tummy. I walked out of the room with her into the room she was sharing with Lou. Liam was sitting on her bed, gazing at the door entrance. I sat down next to him and he smiled, I felt as if something was up. Snow sat on Lou's bed and sighed.

"What's up Snow?" I asked, putting my head in my hands. She looked at us both with tears forming in her eyes and she sniffled.

"Guys, Im so sorry." She started. Liam and I glanced at each other confused at what was wrong. She sighed deeply before she began again. "Niall, Im sorry but that kiss was an accident and I couldnt help but do it, and Liam, I cant do it, period. That was also a mistake and I didnt want to upset you." She said. Both Liam and I froze and then after about an eternity I broke the silence.

"Well, its whatever, Im just tired and I want to sleep." I lied. I walked out of the room without looking at Snow or Liam. I thought me and her had something but apparently not if she had a thing for Liam, one of my best friends. I laid back into my bed and pulled the covers on my body. Several minutes later when I was almost asleep I heard footsteps at my door.

"Niall, Im sorry, its just Im confused at the moment and I cant ruin another important thing." She whispered, refering to her past. I sat up and looked at her. She was wearing a shirt of Lou's and Harry's sweatpants and her hair was in a bun. I might have been upset with her but, she was still beautiful.

"Its okay but, you should have just told me there was nothing going on between us, it would have made things better and less painful." I said. She walked quickly to my bed and sat next to me.

"I was scared you'd mad at Liam and the band would break up." She said, putting her hand on my leg. I moved it away, not because I was mad just because blood would flow to specific area and that would be embarressing. She was hurt by me doing that and took it as me being mad at her. "Its okay you're mad at me, Im used to it, Im just glad that you arent mad at Liam." She smiled weakly and I frowned, causing her to tear up again. I really couldnt express my physical body actions right, could I? She got up and almost walked away but I caught her hand.

"Im not mad at you.. just the situation." I said, pulling her back onto my bed. She sat down and stared at me with those blue eyes of hers that made me want to kiss her.

"Thanks for understanding." She said, patting my head.

"Uh.. what are you doing?" I asked, laughing.

"Louis told me..." she trailed off, containing a smile.

"I think its safe to say that you shouldnt listen to him." I said. She giggled and nodded.

"See you at breakfast?" She asked, getting up.

"Yeah, see you there, and you owe me bacon."

A/N sorry that it was short and not really about sex but trust me the next one will be pretty awesome, I promise!!

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