Is It You? Part 2

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I ran with all my leftover energy and finally caught her by the arm. I held onto it and stopped Hannah and Snow at once.

"Let go Niall!" Hannah yelled.

"No! I'm telling her the truth!" I said. Hannah let go of Snow's arm and took off. I saw Paul take off after her and I was left with Snow. She shook her arm, taking my hand off of her. "Snow, can you please listen to me..." She backed up a little bit.

"I know you from somewhere... but where?"

"Its me, Niall, I'm your boyfriend."

"No you're not, Collin is." My heart dropped. She had a boyfriend? I couldn't believe this.

"How did that happen?"

"Well, I went back to school and he told me that he liked me, so after we became friends he asked me out and we're still dating and I just recently told him I love him." At that point, my heart broke. She loved someone other than me and still couldn't remember me.

"Well, can we talk about something, I need to tell you about your past."

"How would you know about my past?"

"Because... I was apart of it."

* * * *

(Harry's POV)

"Where's Niall?" I asked. The boys shrugged. After he had seen Snow he had taken off after her. We were left onstage, confused and worried while Niall was chasing Snow and Hannah. The fans were just as confused as we were. Simon had told everyone that the concert was officially over and the fans began to disperse through the doors. The rest of the boys went backstage to our room to rethink what had just happened.

"That was weird." Liam started.

"Incredibly weird, but my question is, why would Hannah bring Snow to one of our concerts, be in the front row and not expect us to see her?" Louis asked.

"I still think she's obsessed with Niall." Zayn answered. Ashley and Ricky came into the room. Ashley sat on my lap and Ricky stood next to Louis.

"What was that about?" Ashley asked. I wrapped my arms around her waist and sighed.

"We don't know, we're just as confused as you are." I said. The door opened again and I was expecting it to be Simon but it was Niall and Snow. They both looked out of breath and I couldn't help but to look at Snow. She was still beautiful. Her hair was longer and still blonde with blue and purple ends, her face was still the way it was, but she wore glasses that made her look a little dorky. I smiled and waved at her but she only shyly smiled.

"Hi Alyssa." Liam said. She looked at him, shocked and confused.

"Do I know you?" She asked. "Do I know any of you?"

"How could you forget us?" Louis asked, clearly hurt.

"I never knew you! I only know you guys are One Direction, and you're from the band Randomness Gurlz." She said, referring to Ashley. Niall put his hand on her shoulder and she looked back at him, remembering why she was even here. She took a deep breath and continued. "Niall said that if I came backstage then you would all help to explain why I know Niall and why everyone assumes that Hannah is evil, even though she is my best friend. So, I'm giving you guys five minutes before Collin comes to pick me up." She said, crossing her arms. We all started explaining about how we had found her outside of a Starbucks, how we took her into our home, well, our hotel room. And how we helped her get over her fear of performing in front of people, how she was signed onto a record label with four girls, Ariel, Ashley, Brooke and Hannah. We also told her about the arcade, how she was knocked out and then about her in the hospital, in a coma. She was taken back to her home and we haven't seen her since. Once we finished explaining her eyes were wide and her mouth was open. "That explains so much." She whispered. She turned around and looked at Niall. He had a tear in one of his eyes as he observed her shocked face.

"Snow, please tell me you remember." He begged. She hugged him, making Niall stumble back. He hugged her and stroked her hair.

"I remember.. some of it though. I can remember being in the hotel room with you, after our kiss." She said pretty loudly. Niall's face began to blush when the door burst open, a fuming guy standing at the entrance.

"Alyssa?! What's going on?!" He yelled.

(Snow's POV)

I let go of Niall immediately. If Collin saw us he'd beat up Niall now and take explanations later.

"Collin! I told you I would meet you outside!" I said. He looked over at Niall, anger filling his green eyes. He took a step toward Niall, but Niall didn't back down, he stood up to him. I went inbetween the both of them and put a hand on each of their chests. "Guys, please don't fight." I begged. Collin stopped and grabbed me by my waist.

"Lets go babe, I promised your mom I'd bring you home." He said, never taking his eyes off of Niall.

"Okay, let me say goodbye to my friends." I said, waving bye to them. Niall whispered bye to me and I smiled at him. Collin kissed my cheek and ushered me out of there. We walked away from the room as quickly as possible. As soon as we were outside I confronted him. "What's your problem?" I asked, crossing my arms. He smiled and kissed my nose, trying to get me to drop it as nicely as possible.

"I don't have a problem." He answered, his voice sounding incredibly raspy. Probably from yelling or something.

"I know you're lying, you wouldn't have gotten that mad over a hug." I persisted. His whole body tended as I said that and he sighed, closing his eyes.

"Hannah called me and told me that some blonde freak was trying to steal you away from me and she told me that you cared about him." He admitted. I put my hand on his face and kissed his cheek, he was always so afraid of losing me to someone better than him that it made me feel bad whenever I looked at a guy who wasn't him. But then again, I remembered Niall, he had been my first kiss and it was a sweet kiss, his soft lips comforting mine while his tongue grazed the bottom of my lip, how could you forget that? The events that happened after that were incredibly blurry and I was getting a headache trying to remember. "Babe, are you alright?" Collin's worried voice asked. I hadn't realized that I was rubbing my temples at an attempt to relieve myself of the pain.

"I'm fine, just a slight headache." I answered.

"Because of me, right?" He asked, kissing my temples. Surprisingly, the pain went away and I smiled at him, shaking my head.

"No, just some thoughts." I confessed.

"Well, lets get you home so you can rest." He said, walking with me to his 2013 Dodge truck. He helped me get into the passenger seat then made his way over to the driver seat. "Can we stop at a gas station? I need to get something." I said, rubbing at my stomach.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked, rubbing at my back. I wasn't so sure myself, maybe it was my period, I dont know.

"Just some cramps." I said. He nodded and stove to a Shell's gas station. Right before I got out he stopped me.

"Babe, maybe you should take a pregnancy test." He suggested very quietly. I looked at him shocked. Was it possible I was pregnant?

"Collin, that was one time. But still... you don't think..." I trailed off. He shrugged.

"It was two weeks ago and you have been acting strange lately." He said. I closed my eyes and sighed. I nodded then opened the car door. I walked very nervously to the counter of the station and asked for an aspirin and a pregnancy test. The guy smirked at me then handed me the test.

"Bathrooms in the back. Good luck." He said, still smirking. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the filthy bathroom. Once inside I closed the door and locked it, preventing anyone from coming in. I sighed and opened up the box. After carefully reading the instructions I sat and peed on the stick that could ultimately change my life forever. I sat and stared at the test, waiting for it to tell me the outcome. Two minutes later, it started showing either a negative sign or positive sign. Wait, was that....

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