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I sat in my car, finishing my blunt. She stood at the corner dressed in her tiny black dress she's forced to wear.

Every night was the same for me: finish my deliveries, drive to the same spot, watch her, and follow her. She doesn't know I do this, nor does she know who I am. Tonight was going to be different. Tonight I'm gonna get what I've wanted all this time...her.

I threw the finished blunt out the window and started up the car. The windows were pulled up and I drove to where she stood. I'm gonna take her away from this life and change her.

"Hey, babe." I greeted and she walked over to the passenger side of my car. "You wanna come in?" I asked her and she just nodded her head.

Her tiny body came inside the car and buckled up. I could tell she hasn't had a meal in days. I put the car in drive and drove down the dark road.

"So, how old are you?" I asked and glanced at her quickly. She was staring at her hands in her lap.

"Umm...20." She answered me and my eyes got wide.

"Eighteen and why did you decide to do this stuff?"

"Can we just get this over with?" She mumbled. Poor girl was getting nervous.

"Well, sweetheart..." I paused and pulled onto the highway, "you belong to me now, and you won't be seeing this place anymore."

"What?! Please turn around!!" She shouted and started to breathe heavily. "It can be free!! Please, just bring me back!!"

"I'm sorry, baby. No can do." I put my hand on her thigh. "I don't want to see you putting your life in danger like that."

Tears streamed down her face and I used my free hand to wipe them away.

"Sleep, baby. It's gonna be awhile." She sobbed into her hands and fell asleep minutes later.

~3 Years Later~

Today is the day I marry the love of my life, the girl I vowed to protect for the rest of my life, and the mother of my child.

"You ready, mate?" Louis asked me.

I ran my hand through my hair and fixed my suit jacket.

"Yes." I smiled and walked into the church. Everyone was here for the wedding and I was getting nervous.

The music started playing and the brides maids started walking down the aisle, the flower girl, and ring bearer, my son, Ramos James Styles. His hand was held by my sister, Gemma. He had just turned two and was very hyper.

My breath was taken away by the sight of her. Dressed in her ivory dress, the veil covering her beautiful brown eyes, and the bouquet of purple flowers in her hands. Her brown hair was curled and framed her beautiful face.

Louis walked her down the aisle and to me. I grabbed her small hands and kissed them softly, my lips lingering on her skin. A blush made its way to her cheeks and a tear fell down her cheek.

"We are gathered here today..." The priest started and I ignored him, staring at the beautiful girl standing in front of me.

Three years ago, I sat in my car every night watching her at her corner. She would give herself to older men, just to have money for food and clothes. She has transformed from a prostitute to a loving mother and teacher. I also wasn't a great person. I was a drug dealer back then. Now I'm a wealthy business man and a father to a adorable two year old son.

"Do you Harry Edward Styles take Anaïs Magali Richard to be your wife?" He asked me and I felt a tear fall from my eye.

"I do." I said and she smiled, more tears falling down her cheeks.

"Do you Anaïs Magali Richard take Harry Edward Styles to be your husband?"

She nodded her head, with a big smile on her face. "I do."

"By the power invested in me, you are now husband and wife. You may kiss your bride Mr. Styles." He didn't have to tell me twice.

I pulled her close to me and kissed her lips with love and passion. Her hands dropped the flowers and cupped my face.

Everyone cheered and I picked up our son, leaving the church.

~5 Years Later~

"I'm home." I said and stumbled in the house. Tonight I went out with some friends and had a couple drinks to celebrate. I'm late again, but the migraine I have is from hell.

"Where were you?" Anaïs interrogated, once I walked into the kitchen.

"Out with some friends." I simply answered and shrugged my shoulders.

It was like this ever since I owned my own company. I came home later and she was always questioning my whereabouts.

"Are the kids asleep?" I asked.

"Darcy wanted you to read her a story, like you promised yesterday." She snapped and I groaned, rubbing my temple.

Darcy is our second child. She is two years old, turning three in two months. Ramos is seven. I missed his birthday party, going out with friends again. I felt guilty for that and Anaïs would not let it go.

"I forgot about that."

"You always forget and try to make up for it, but forget about that also. I can't take it anymore. You pay attention to your work and drinking more than you pay attention to your own family." She complained.

"Well sorry for getting a job that pays the fucking bills. You always complain about stupid things and it pisses me off." I snapped.

"I complain a lot. Well sorry for being worried that you won't ever come home or that when you get to drunk and possibly die in a fucking car accident!! I still can't believe you missed your son's birthday just to get drunk with your 'friends'!!" She yelled and pushed at my chest.

"I'm going to bed." I said and stomped up the stairs. She doesn't know when to stop with all this complaining. It annoys me.

"I can't take it anymore, Harry." She cried.

"And what're you gonna do about it?" I taunted, a smirk making its way onto my face.

"I want a divorce." She said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

(A/N): Ten reads for the first chapter and two votes.

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