Chapter 10

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**Harry's POV**

I stared at my reflection in the mirror and kept running my fingers through this monstrosity.  My hair has never been this short, only when I was younger.  What will the lads say?  What will Anaïs say?  I'm gonna be the joke of the year.

"Daddy, I like it." Darcy said, while jumping on my bed.

I turned to look at her and she smiled at me.  She's gotten so big.  I remember when she was just a little baby.  She fit in one of my hands.


Cries woke us up to the third time tonight and we both groaned.

"Your turn." Anaïs giggled and rolled herself into a blanket burrito.

"Real mature." I chuckled and pushed my self up and out of the bed.

"There is milk in the fridge." She told me.

"Thanks, baby." I said and walked over to the little crib, holding my little princess.

She was kicking her feet and fussing.  Her face red and tears/snot running down her face.  I bent down and picked her up.  Her cries stop instantly and turned into babbles.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'll wake up faster next time." I said and rubbed circles on her back.  She continues to babble in my ear and I hold a conversation with her.

I warm her milk and check the temperature.  She lays in one hand and my other hand feeds her. 

She's such a tiny baby.  She was born a month and a half early, causing her to be so tiny.  Now my little munchkin is three months, babbling, giggling, and crying everyone's ears off.

"Look at you getting so big. You're almost bigger than my hand." I smiled at her and she smiles back while sucking on the nipple, milk falling out her mouth. "And you're messy too. My messy little princess." She coos and pushes the empty bottle away.

I didn't notice Anaïs walking in, while I was talking to her.  Darcy squealed and went to grab her hair, when she bent down to kiss her nose.

"Looks like she's fully awake now." She said and kissed my cheek.  She took Darcy from me and pat her back.  A huge burp left the tiny baby's mouth and we both laugh. "She's got your burps."

"Lies...your burps are manlier than mine." I chuckled and pulled her on my lap.

We both watched the babbling and wiggling baby, until she falls asleep. We  walk upstairs and set her in her bed, after placing kisses on her head.

We jumped into bed and I wrap my arm around Anaïs' waist bringing her closer to me.  We were so close to sleeping until...

"Mommy...daddy, I can't sleep." Ramos says and sleeps in our bed with us.

I love my family.

**Flashback Ends**

"Wanna go to the park, Darce?" I asked her and excitement was in her face before I could finish the question.

"Yes...yes...yes!!" She squealed and ran out the room to put on her shoes.

"Rae, put your shoes on!! We're going to the park!!"


I quickly looked around for my hat and finally find it.  I knew this thing would come in handy one day.  The black beanie is placed on my head and I pull some tennis shoes out of my closet.

"Hey, daddy." I heard Ramos call from my door.

"Yes, Rae." I said and looked up at him.

"Umm...can I call one of my friends to come over and play after we get back from the park?" He asked with big green eyes staring into mine.

"I don't know, Rae. You made your sister upset today and you're still in trouble." I said and finished lacing up my shoes.

"Please, daddy. I won't do it again. I promise." He begged and started to jump up and down.

"Ugh...I guess." He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist. "But only for a little bit."

"Thank you, daddy."

We walk out the door and into the car.  Once we get to the park, Darcy runs to the slides and plays with the other kids. 

"Rae!!!!" I heard a girly squeal and turned around to see a small blonde little girl running our way.

"Mary!!!" He squealed and ran to her.  They both hugged and giggled when they fell. "I didn't know you were coming to the park." Ramos said and helped her off the ground.

"My daddy brought me for getting an 'A' on my reading test." She said and held onto his hand as they walked to the swings.

"You must be Rae's father." A shorter chubby man said to me holding out his hand. "I'm Martin, Mary's father." He said and I shook his hand.

"Harry." I smiled and gave him a firm handshake.

"Mary talks about Rae all the time. He's the only one who treats her like she isn't different. When she was younger, she and her mother were in a terrible car accident, which resulted into her losing an eye." He said with sad frown on his face.

"Well I'm glad Rae could be a gentleman and treat her like there isn't anything wrong with her." I said and watched the two of them laughing and playing with each other.

"Daddy!!" I heard my little girl wail and ran over to her.  Darcy was on the ground crying with a cut on her knee.

"Oh, Darce." I sat down on the ground and pulled her on my lap. "What happened, baby?"

"I fell." She cried and turned around to wrap her arms around my neck.  "It hurts."

"I know, baby." I picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Lets get some water and wash it off, okay?"  She nodded her head against my neck and I stood up to go to the car and get a bottle of water. "Daddy's gonna put you down and wash it off then give it kisses, okay?"

"Otay." She sniffed and I sat her down on the seat.

"It's gonna be a little cold." I said and poured it on her little cut.

"It cold, daddy." She giggled and I smiled at her.

"I told you." I chuckled and kissed her knee. "All better." I said and helped her on the ground.

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