Alfie Deyes Imagine 1

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The red light on my camera is flashing meaning that I am recording.

“Hello, I have just arrived in LA and I already love it here. It’s so hot here; I think I might just strip out of all my clothes but that might be kind of awkward. Oh My God people are giving me weird looks no since I just said that. Remind me never to vlog in an airport again…” I mumbled before pressing stop.

Now where do I find my friends? I am supposed to meet them here in ten minutes. I better turn my camera back on in case I see them.  I am looking through my camera lens when I spot the quiff of my British friend.

“Marcus!!!!!” I shout to get his attention

“(Y/N)!!!!” He shouts back

Marcus and I are running towards each other and next thing you know, our cameras are colliding into each other.

“I’ve missed you so much Marcus. How are you?” I ask

“I’m quiet knackered. Caspar wouldn’t stop asking me questions about L.A. the whole way here.”

“Where is Caspar?”

“He’s erm…Oh Gosh, don’t tell me I lost him.”

“Marcus, we better find him.”

“So guys,” I start saying to my camera, “We are now on our way to find Caspar since Marcus lost him in the airport. Wish us luck.” I click stop on the recording and put my camera away

“Where was the last time you saw him?” I ask

“Near the luggage pick-up?” he ask himself

“Let’s go then.” We say while running towards there

Where could a very famous South African youtuber be hiding? Someone must have seen him somewhere; a fan perhaps?

“Marcus I see him!!!” I yell

I almost burst out laughing when I see him sitting on the baggage carrousel. He didn’t spot us yet since he is still going around it. This was vlogging worthy.

“Marcus and I have just spotted a wild South African teenager taking a ride on the baggage carrousel.  Look at him. I think I’m going to start laughing really loudly. Probably not a good idea. Oh my gosh the security is coming to get him. We better get him before they get him. Come one.”

“Marcus, go get him NOW.” I yell

He looks around to why I would be making him do this but then he spots the security.

“CASPAR” we both yell

He looks up and sees the security coming towards him.

“Ah Shoot.” You hear him scream while he is running towards us.

Beep. I stop recording and put my camera away again before we make it back to my best friend that came on this YouTube meet up with me.

“OMG Guys, you should have seen what Caspar did.” I inhale

“What did he do?” (Y/BFF/N) asks

“He was going on a ride on the luggage carrousel

“That is vlogging worthy.”

“I know that’s why I took it on video.”

“I think we lost the security guards, Casp” I hear Marcus say

“Never do this again.” I tell Caspar

“Well that’s what Marcus gets for ditching me.” He says

“Guys, this is my best friend (Y/BFF/N). She has been in many of my videos. (Y/BFF/N) this is well you know them but this is Caspar and Marcus.”

“it’s nice to meet you” she says

“Now can someone take my camera and video tape, (Y/BFF/N) and me?”

“I’ll do it you” Caspar says.

As he hits record, I hear the voice of an angel.

“CASPARRR, MARCUUS.” I hear the voice say

“ALFIEEE” They both go running towards him

“I miss you lad,” Marcus gives him a hug

I have seen this boy in videos on YouTube before. I wasn’t very familiar with his work but I knew that he was one of Marcus’s best guy friends. Alfie Deyes, I think that was his name, was walking towards me.

“Hello Love, you must be the girl Marcus can’t stop talking about. He is right, you are beautiful,” he pauses while I start blushing madly, “If Marcus wasn’t single, I think he would already be your boyfriend by now. Lucky for you, I am single.” He says and winks at me

In the end, I ended up having a great time at Vidcon and left with a boyfriend. I decided not to add the last scene at the airport into my vlog because I wanted to keep that to myself for the future. Who knew that meeting a total stranger to me during a vlog would change my life. Thanks Marcus.

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