Chapter 1

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As I walked into the school ,the bullies June, Ruby, and Scarlet, eyes laid upon me, snickering as they waited by my locker.

I held my phone up high, trying my best to ignore those assholes.

"So, what did the Ember post this week?" June glared, daring to step before me and yank my phone from my hand.

Oh wait , what the hell is she doing with my phone? That dumbass better not be-

"Wow, more stupid stuff? My brain cells can't take this anymore." She said, as she held up her arm up in the air and dropped my phone to the ground. The pieces of my delicate phone, splattered around the school's floor,

"You bitch." I tried not crying, picking up all the pieces. Some shards of glass impelled my hand, as little trickles of blood swayed down my hand.

"Awe honey I didn't mean to!" She said flipping her hair back.

"My ass you didn't mean to. Oh wait, I forgot, you're lack of brain cells make you have no control over your hand movements. Here sweetie, would you like me to kiss your hand? I heard that 'the Ember' can heal 'Lack of Brain' syndrome."

June snarled with discuss. "Well, maybe if you didn't post more of that Doctor Who bullshit, I wouldn't of dropped your phone. Oh, and also, your phone was full of germs so I just had to drop it."

When they walked Away I looked around to see if anyone was looking. Then I put the middle finger. I don't know why but, I have this habit of putting up the middle finger when anyone pisses me off. Don't judge me it make me happy!
    I walk to my classroom and see the guy of my dreams. Michael Chapman. He is the quarterback for the Leafhill Bears and he is the hottest boy in  9th grade!
   I sat in the nearest desk near the door. So then I could be the first one out of my class.
    I started to daydream about the Doctor coming into my class and saving us from the Dalek that is disguised as are teacher. I usually daydream during my classes. It's just a way of making class interesting.
"Miss Maxwell are you paying attention?" Mrs.Everts said tapping on my desk 3 times. I was waiting for the fourth tap but it never came.
"Is that your wort talking or its that you?" I said looking at her wort bouncing up and down.
"Are you looking for a ticket down to the principal office Miss.Maxwell?"
"Well if gets me out of this class then yes I am!" I said with big smile!
"Then off you go then!"
I gathered my stuff and headed for the door. When she wasn't looking I put up my handy dandy middle finger. Wow this is a new record. I never used it twice in the school day before!
I walk to the principal office and I noticed there is a lot of people outside the door. Then the principal walked out of her office smiling. "Ember can I talk to you!" She said in her most happiest voice.
This is very unlikely of her! She is usually an grumpy old cow, like Clara calls the TARDIS.
"You can go home honey! I understand that you are having a tough day!" She said looking happier than ever!
   What the hell?!? Is Mrs.Hull on drugs or something? If she is she needs to be on them all the time!
   "Gather all your stuff and you can be on your way home!" She said still with her creepy smile!
   "Ok!" I said giving her the most happiest smile ever.
    I got all my stuff and headed straight for the door! All I could think about is getting to Miss. Remington Yard sale! She always have so much Doctor Who stuff at a cheap price!

Authors note: hope you guys like the story so far! Also why do you think Mrs. Hull was acting so strange? Later on you will know! 😏 also make sure you Vote and Comment! I would like to know what you guys think! See ya next chapter!

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