Chapter 17

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Ember's P.O.V

I looked around, seeing if I had any way to escape this Dalek ship. There were windows, but if I smashed them, the air would be sucked out of me and I would be dead on the spot.

Looking around even more, I saw something that caught my eye, a red lever. But wait, isn't that the lever that lets out all the Daleks? Looking further I saw a four letter word on the red lever.


Processing the words, something struck me. That's how Mr. Horton escaped! It all made sense now, he couldn't of just escaped by just turning into particles and float away; unless he can because he's a different species.

Gosh I hope my prediction is right!Without even hesitating, I speed walked my way over to the red lever and pulled it.

A blue light surrounded me, reminding me of the time when I got teleported into the future. Suddenly,Everything went white.
Nothing was surrounding me except pure white, until little by little, I started to see trees, then sidewalks, then buildings. I was back where I was before I got kidnaped by Mr. Horton.

He used a teleportation pod, interesting.

He must of been planning this for months or years, I really don't know what to expect from this dimension, but what caught my eye was something green, a green lever.

How did he know I would be in that spot. Unless, he stalked me for a couple of months!

The thought of someone stalking me made me shiver. Sure, the Doctor stalked me, but I know him, I trust him. Mr. Horton on the other hand, tied me down in chains just so he can see if his stupid fairytale was real.

Thinking back to that eventful experience, the Doctor called me something I thought he would never call me, his companion.

The past Doctor would just call me a tag along, a waste of space, he would never appreciate my presence, but he joked with me tonight, he seemed happy to see me.

Snapping out of my thoughts, the wind started to pick up, blowing the leaves around on the sidewalk. A wheezing noise joined the wind, making the well known blue box appear in front of me.

The door quickly opened, showing the Doctor with puffy eyes and a red nose. You could see stains from tears on his cheeks and jawline.

"Ember, you're ok," He jumped out of his TARDIS and ran over to me, giving me another tight hug, "you had me worried you were on suicide mission."

"Aww you know me, I'm the queen of ok." I smiled, surprisingly hugging him back.

He let go of the hug, with his hands now on my shoulders. "Oi! That's my line," He chuckled, "But not the queen part, well maybe for future regen-"

"Uh Excuse me Doctor?" A voice interrupted the Doctor. I turned my head around to find one of my favorite companions, Clara Oswald.

"Oh! Clara!," the Doctor left my side, now leaving a gap, "This is Ember, our old, but new edition to the TARDIS."

Clara's grin faded, but was quickly replaced with a fake smile, "Oh you're Ember, the Doctor won't shut up about you!" She extended her hand to shake mine.

I took it, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you Clara!" I happily said.

Something was off about Clara, like she really didn't want to meet me. I have a feeling this isn't going to end well.

"Oh would you look at that Oswald and Maxwell already becoming friends, now come on you two we are going on a  adventure through time and space." The Doctor joyfully said, running his way into the TARDIS.

Clara followed him behind, going right into the TARDIS. Before I could even follow the two, the TARDIS doors were slammed onto my face and the TARDIS disappeared right in front of my eyes.

I fell backwards, leaving me speechless.

Maybe the Doctor really didn't want you to come along, Maybe it was a way to introduce you to Clara. Is he going to do this with all his companions? Rub it in my face that I'll never travel through time and space again?

Shaking off those thoughts, I quietly got off my butt and headed towards my small apartment. 

I opened up my apartment door to find my friend Jessica on the couch.

Im 100% sure she's drunk.

"Hey Ember-boo, you look like-like someone hit you with a bus." Her drunkly voice spoke.

"Ok how drunk are you?" I asked, while walking to the kitchen sink to fetch my drunk friend a glass of water.

"Well- I'm very very drunk, but let me tell you when you're drunk, you can fly like super man!" She put her hands in air, making airplane noises.

I handed her the glass of water carefully, but what she did next surprised me. She took the glass out of my hand and slammed it on the floor. "No I don't need that."  She yelled.

"Yes you do it will help you!" I said in a babyish tone.

I sat across from her in a chair, rubbing my temples to relieve my stress.

"Oh a man appeared in a blue box and ask where you were."

I stopped rubbing my temples and looked her in the face, "what?"

"Yeah, the man had a really long chin and he looked really really pissed."

Oh shit. Right now I'm glad she's drunk.

"When did he show up?" I asked, hoping she can give me a answer.

"Well I'm no mathematician, but I would say about 5 minutes ago."

All of a sudden, I herd the famous wheezing noise coming from the kitchen.

"Hey there he is right now!" She pointed towards the blue box that is now fully appeared.

The Doctor stormed out, instantly coming towards me. "Ember you have some explaining to do."

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