Chapter 10

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    As I got into the house, I went straight for the couch.
"So Ember what do you like to do for fun." Aunt Sharon said sitting right next to me.
"Watch TV shows and cry over them." I said
"Well, do you have a favorite TV show?" She said looking at me with a smile.
I thought for a moment. then I noticed that she was changing the channel to Netflix.
"Choose anything on here while I'll go make some popcorn." She said getting up from her seat.
I really never knew Amy and Rory had Netflix. If I knew that I would of watch it before instead of falling asleep.
I looked threw the selections to see what this dimension Netflix has. Until something interesting popped up. They have 'Supernatural'! I pushed on it and it looked like they only had season 1 threw 4. "Well at least they had season 4." I mumbled
Season 4 is my Favorite because that is when Castiel is introduced.
I herd the microwave going off. "It is done." She said rushing to the microwave. Then she came in with the buttery goodness in a bowl.
"Here you are Ember. Did you find anything good on Netflix?" She said handing me the popcorn.
"Yes I actually did." I said clicking on season 4 episode 1 of 'Supernatural'.
I walked over to turn off the lights so then I could make it more interesting.
Then I pushed the play so then we could watch the show.
"Care for some popcorn?" I said handing the bowl of popcorn.
"No I'm good. But, thanks for the offer." She said pushing the bowl away from me.
"Ok. But, you are missing out!" I said putting a handful of popcorn in my mouth.
Then my favorite scene came on.
Aunt Sharon looked at me with a strange look.
"Sorry I'll stop fangirling." I said slouching down.
Then the episode ended. "Well, Young lady I believe it's time to go to bed." She said standing up from the couch.
"Umm ok." I said standing up from my seat and walking towards the bathroom.
I took out the toothpaste and placed it on my finger. Since I don't have a toothbrush yet, I need to brush my teeth some how.
I spit out the toothpaste and wiped my mouth off. Then I looked at myself in the mirror.
"Maybe the Doctor is right, maybe I am a marshmallow and a tag along. But how come the Doctor is acting like this. He does not act like this in 'Doctor Who.'" I said.
I walked out of the bathroom and entered my bedroom. I laid down in my bed and thought about somethings. "Maybe I started out on the on the wrong foot with the Doctor." I said out loud to myself.
"Maybe-" then I herd a noise.
I got out of bed to see what the noise was.
I saw a light coming from the room that Aunt Sharon was staying in.
I peeked in to see what was going on.
"Are you sure she knows the Doctor?" A voice said
"Yes. I am certain. I could smell his scent on her." She said
Are they talking about me? I opened the door more and very slowly so then it could not make a sound. Then I found out what she was talking to. A Zygon. I covered my mouth so then I wouldn't scream.
Oh come on! How come weird things are always happening to me?!?
I closed the door very slowly. Then tipped toed to my room. I took out my new cell phone and took out the piece of paper that had the TARDIS number on it.
I dialed the number.
"Hello this is the Toll free! If you to talk to a real life person, press 1.!" A Computerized voice said
"What the hell is this?" I whispered
I pressed 1. I was shaking, I hope this is the right number!
"Calling!" The Computerized voiced said
I herd the phone ringing.
"Hello! Doctor speaking." The Doctor said.
Of course I get him!
"I really need your help!!" I said my voice shaking
"Ember what's wrong?" The Doctor said
"Aunt Sharon isn't Aunt Sharon! She's a Zygon!" I said
"Of course you would know what Zygon is. Ok I am on my way." He said hanging up.
"Asshole." I mumbled as soon as he hung up.
Then I herd the sound of the TARDIS. It was appearing in my room. He opened the door and walked right out.
"Ember are kidding with me or are you serious?" He said looking down at me
"No I'm serious! When am I ever not serious? I'll even show you, follow me!" I said walking out of my bedroom.
We walked to the door where I was spying on her before. She was talking but I had no idea what she talking about.
"Yep she's definitely an Zygon." He whispered to me.
"See I told you!" I whispered back.
Then she turned off the screen that she was talking to the other Zygon and started heading toward the door.
"Ember in the TARDIS now!" He said grabbing me by the hand and running.
We ran into the TARDIS and he started pulling levels and pushing buttons really quickly.
"We're safe now." He said stepping away from the console.
I sat down in the seat on the railing.
It was silent for a while until I had to say something.
"So, Did you know you give off a scent?" I said
"What?" He said looking over at me and laughing.
"You herd me." I said raising an eyebrow.
"Well I guess that make sense since you hugged my 10th version." He said
"I guess! But, he a lot hotter then you." I mumbled.
"Excuse me?" He yelled.
"IM KIDDING! IM KIDDING! I mean at least I'm not calling you an individual that can't fit into Society." I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Ember I don't think that make any sense." He said  still yelling
"Well it does in my mind! Ok?" I said
Then I herd footsteps in the hall.
"I herd yelling, is Ember here?" Amy said
"Yes she is and she is about to go back to the Zygon!" He said.
"You guys are like a cat and dog fighting." Amy said
"One time I read a fanfic when he turned into a cat by Daleks! You know if he did turn into a cat I would simply place him on the floor and kick him like a soccer ball or should I say like a football for you guys." I said
"That's it Ember!" The Doctor said.
Then all of a sudden I felt the Doctor picking me up and putting me over his shoulders.
"Dude! How strong are you?" I said
"Strong enough to carry you!" He said
"Where are you taking me?"
"Some where I don't have to hear you. I can't take you back home since there's a Zygon there."
He opened the door and placed me down in a chair.
"Oh my gosh is this the library?"
"What does this look like to you, the swimming pool?" He said looking angry.
He banged his head in one of the nearest book case.
"I have question!" I said
He stop banging his head and looked at me.
"What's your question?" He said
"Could you set people on fire with your regeneration energy?" I said
"I don't know Ember let's find out!"
Then I saw one of his hands glowing. My eyes widen.
"Stay back demon. Stay back. I should of never of ask that question!" I said backing up.
"No Ember thank you for asking because now I'm curious!" He said getting closer.
When he was really close to me, he stopped. Then the glowing stuff around his hand went away. He rolled up my sleeve.
"Ember, where did you get all these bruises?" He said looking at the bruises on my arms.
I paused looking at the bruises with him.
"They're from my parents. My parents were druggies and alcoholics. And every day they would beat me with anything." I said
He looked at me and then he came over and hugged me.
"I'm sorry. I never knew." He said
Authors Note: Hello you lovely people! If you want to know what that fanfic is called that Ember was talking about its called "Turned Cat by @thederpcat "

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