Chapter 8

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"1969, that's an easy one! Funny, how some years are easy. Now, 1482, full of glitches. Now then, Canton Everett Delaware the third. That was his name, yeah? How many of those can there be? Well, three, I suppose. Rory, is everybody cross with me for some reason? ", the Doctor asked. "I like trains" I said out of no where. "That's nice" Rory said pulling me down the stairs where Amy and River was.
Explain it again. " Amy asked

"The Doctor we saw on the beach is a future version, two hundred years older than the one up there. "

" But all that's still going to happen. He's still going to die."

" We're all going to do that, Amy. " river said.

That's when I took off my shoe because I knew what's going to happen

the doctor's head pop up. I knew that was my cue.

" I'm being extremely clev-" he said being cut off by my shoe hitting him in the face.

"EMBER" Amy and Rory said at the same time. "What. I saw a alien." I said trying to get myself out of trouble. " some one needed to slap him" river said taking my side. "See even his future wife agrees with me!" I said resting my arm on her shoulder.
We all went back up stairs and saw the doctor playing with the console.
"Time isn't a straight line. It's all bumpy wumpy. There's loads of boring stuff like Sundays and Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons. But now and then there are Saturdays. Big temporal tipping points when anything's possible. The TARDIS can't resist them, like a moth to a flame. She loves a party, so I give her 1969 and NASA, because that's space in the sixties, and Canton Everett Delaware the third, and this is where she's pointing. ", the Doctor said.

"Washington D.C., April the eighth, 1969. So why haven't we landed? " Amy asked.

"Because that's not where we're going. "

" Oh. Where are we going? ", Rory asked.

"Home. Off you pop to make babies. And you, Doctor Song, back to prison. And you Ember...... Do what ever you do." The doctor said sitting in one of the chairs. "Back to my collection of dead turtles" I said smiling.
The doctor just gave me a disgusted look and when back to talking.
"What? A mysterious summons. You think I'm just going to go? Who sent those messages? I know you know. I can see it in your faces. Except Embers because it always hard to read her face. Don't play games with me. Don't ever, ever think you're capable of that. ", he said.

"You're going to have to trust us this time. ", River said.

" Trust you? Sure. But, first of all, Doctor Song, just one thing. Who are you? You're someone from my future. Getting that. But who? Okay. Why are you in prison? Who did you kill, hmm? Now, I love a bad girl, me, but trust you? Seriously. ", he said.

" oh Trust me. " I said with glee

" Why, you don't let me touch you. And every time you walk past me you hold your breath." the Doctor said getting annoyed.

"Dude I know what's going to happen and if you don't do this it's going to create a paradox and we are all going to die!" I said throwing my hands up in the air.
"Our life's in your hands" the doctor said walking past me.
"Cool I just changed something in "Doctor Who" !" I thought to my self.
"Thank you."river said patting me on the back

"So Canton Everett Delaware the third. Who is he?" the Doctor asked pushing buttons on the console

" Ex FBI. Got kicked out."River read on the computer thingy

"Six weeks after he left the Bureau, the President contacted him for a private meeting." River continued

"Yeah, 1969. Who's President?" the Doctor asked.

" Richard Milhous Nixon. Vietnam, Watergate. There's some good stuff, too. "

"Not enough.", he answered.

"Hippie!", she laughed.

"Archaeologist.", he replied.

" Okay, since I don't know what I'm getting into this time, for once I'm being discreet. I'm putting the engines on silent."

He pulled a lever. River threw a different switch and it went quiet.

"Did you do something?", the Doctor asked.

"No just watching." River said

"Putting the outer shield on invisible. I haven't done this in a while. Big drain on the power.", he said.

Then I pushed a button and everything shutdown.
"WHAT DID YOU DO EMBER" the doctor yelled
"Why do you always think it's me" I said trying to stick up for myself.
"Because usually it is you." The doctor said.
It was so dark in the TARDIS that you can not see anything.
"Ok who am I touching? Rory is that you? Boy you been working out!" I said touching Rory stomach.
Suddenly the lights came back on.
"Ah that's more like it" river said next to the console.
I looked over and saw Amy hugging Rory. Suddenly I figured out who it was and I looked up real slowly. I saw the doctors and he was smiling.
"EWW ALIEN GERMS I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE" I said spraying myself with Lysol and running towards the door.
I ran out of the TARDIS. Then I figured out that we were in the White House. The doctor step out after and covered my mouth. I didn't want to bite or lick his hand because then I could get a disease and die.
Then I got to thinking about his hand. That the hand that got cut off in the episode Christmas invasion. And like tumblr said that's the 10th doctor hand. I was fangirlig inside.
"Ember don't make a sound" the doctor whispered.
"Ok" I said loud as possible. And sure enough they all turned around.
"This is not what it looks like." The doctor said letting go of me.
They tackled him to the ground. "Are you alright ma'am" one of the security guards asked. "Yes,yes I am" I answered. "River make it blue you don't!"
Then the TARDIS turned visible. Everyone looked at it with awe. I pretended that I was in shock too. The doctor walked over and sat in the presidents chair "mr president" he said in the most baddest American accent. "You know that was the most worst American accent I ever heard." I said crossing my arms.
"That child just told you everything you need to know but you weren't listening.but never mine though, because the answers yes. I'll take the case.fellows the guns,really?i just walked into the highest security office in the United States and parked a big blue box on the you think you can just shoot me?He said ignoring the insult I just said.
"They're Americans" river said running out of the TARDIS. "Don't shoot definitely no shooting" the doctor said getting up from his seat.
I turned around and gave her a stare. "You know there's this saying called 'think before you speak'." I said staring her down.
"Who the hell are you?" the president asked.
"Sir you need to stay back" one of the security guards said.
"Who are they and what is that box?"
"It's a police box can't you read-" The Doctor said. Then I interrupted him before he could say anything else. "Dude like I said to river song 'think before you speak'" i said almost slapping him.
"Anyways I'm your new undercover agent on loan from Scotland Yard, code name the Doctor and these are my top operatives,the legs,the nose, Mrs.robinson, and the marshmallow which I highly suggest she goes back in this police box.
I thought for a moment of why he called me 'marshmallow'. Then I looked down at my stomach.then I figured out why.
"DID YOU JUST CALL ME FAT? COME HERE I WILL SIT ON YOU AND MAKE YOU INTO PANCAKE" I said crying inside because it's sad when your favorite doctor calls you fat.
"Ember do what he says." Amy said grabbing my shoulders. "Ok I will go into the TARDIS,but watch out when you're sleeping Doctor" I said heading towards the TARDIS doors.
As I got into the TARDIS, I sat in one of the chairs. Then I fell asleep.
When I woke up I was very confused. I looked at my surroundings. Then figured out where I was. I was in the 9th/10th doctor's TARDIS. Then I looked in front of me. There he was the 10th doctor ,his back facing me.

Authors note: Hola!! Long time no see! Anyways I haven't written a chapter in a while. I'm truly sorry for that! But please vote,comment, eat your pasta, and pet a Guinea pig. See ya next chapter!

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