Chapter 9

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       How the hell did I get on the 10th doctor's TARDIS? I got to get out of here before he finds out that I'm here.

    I slowly got up from the chair that I was in and slowly moved towards the door. He was going on about something which I think he was talking to himself. Hopefully, he did not have a companion on board because they could probably spot me first.

    I slowly opened the door and looked outside. I was about to walk out until I realized  we're in space.

I slowly closed the door and thank goodness he was still talking to himself. I decided to give myself off because he might be my only way back to Amy and Rory. HA I didn't add that asshole 11th in. hopefully the 10th isn't an asshole.

I cleared my throat. "WHERE THE HELL AM I?!?" I said acting like I didn't know where I was.

He turned around really fast. "Who are you and how did you get in here?" he said walking over to me.

"I don't know man. I mean I was just sitting on my couch and then BANG I was here!" I said with a lot of hand movements.

"Then who are you?" he said pulling out his sonic screwdriver.

"No no no, Tell me who you are first."  I said

"I'm the Doctor." he said fixing his tie

"Doctor who?" I said smiling. haha reference.

"Just the Doctor."

"Man that is one crappy name." 

"Ok lets here your name then."

"Ember Maxwell."

"Nice to meet you Ember. lovely name."

"Was that sarcasm?"

"No not at all. anyways what year are you from and how old are you?" he said

"I'm from 1969 and I'm 14 years old."

He started to chuckle.

"What so funny?" I said

"sorry it's just that you don't look like your from 1969 or act like it either. I would probably say you're from the year 2015?" he said still laughing.

Crap! how am I going to get back to Amy and Rory? I tried to think of a different plan.

"Ember, why did you say you are from 1969? I can tell you are from 2015."

"How can you tell?" I said acting all surprise.

"I'm a time traveler and what you are in right now is my time machine. I been to 2015 many of times and I can tell how they act, dress, etc. now tell me why?"

Then I could hear something coming from his TARDIS computer. 

"Hello? is anyone there?" a person said

The 10th Doctor ran to the computer and pulled me along. The screen was fuzzy for a moment until it got clear.  

"Ah, yes. there you are Ember." 11th doctor said

"Crap!" I said under my breath.

"Do you know this guy Ember?" the 10th Doctor said looking at me.

"Yes, she does know me and she better not say she doesn't." the 11th Doctor said staring at me.

"Um, yes." I said

"May I ask if you can kindly hand her over to me." he said

The 10th Doctor paused. I think he was thinking. then he looked up at his future self.

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