Greece x Neko!Reader

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"Beat it, stupid cat!"

Well, guess I'm not sleeping there tonight.


Hungry again? Ugh, I just had scraps two hours ago.

I smell fish.

My nose leads me towards a trash can near a nice house with a couple Greek statues on the porch. I paw at the lid and see a half empty can of Fancy Feast tuna meal.

I'm inside the garbage can within seconds inhaling the stuff. Before I know it I'm asleep.

My eyes are closed, but I'm awake. My back hurts. I stretch out. Mmmmmm comfy bed.

Bed?! I fell asleep in a trash can!


I open my eyes and jump out of bed, but instead I find myself in a...temple of sorts. There is a large statue of Zeus against the wall, and the rug covering the floor has Zeus and all of his wives (with cat ears sewn on them...o_O) I happen to glance down at my bed, to find that my blanket has Zeus on it. I jump and do the cat shriek.

Suddenly, a dog comes barging into the room, barking hysterically and charging at me. An Asian man comes running in with an agitated face and shouts, "Pochi! Prease stop!" However, he makes no effort to stop the beast.

I frantically attempt to climb up the massive Zeus statue, when something grabs me and holds me gently.

"Shshshshshsh, it's okay kitty kitty," a very quiet, gentle voice says. The dog once again barks. I hide my face in the man's shirt.

"Kiku will you PLEASE take your DOG away?"

"I...I'm trying...Pochi prease come..."

"I don't know WHY you chose to bring that mangy thing into my house anyway, it's scaring all the cats."

All the cats? There's more cats here?

"Pochi is a he, not an it."

"You know, I really don't care."

Both of these men are very quiet, so it doesn't even sound like they're arguing.

The man holding me begins to scratch my neck in my favorite spot. I can't help but purr.

"You know, you are the cutest cat I've ever seen." He holds me up to his face and touches his nose to mine.

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