2P Italy x reader

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At six o'clock in the morning, you begin your daily routine. Get up, take a brief shower, get dressed in your stupid outfit and start scrubbing the floors. Master Luciano likes his house to be squeaky clean all the time.

Once you're done scrubbing, you get dusting, but you must prepare Luciano's coffee by ten, because that's when he's usually up. You're almost always on time with everything, doing things to the best of your ability. You want to please Luciano.

At ten fifteen, your beloved master steps lazily into the kitchen, with his purple pajamas and hair sticking up in different places. You get a secret delight knowing that you are the only woman who gets to see him like this.

"Good morning sir!" You chirp.

He sighs and gives you that seductive smirk he gives all the ladies. "I told you many times, you can call me Luciano."

"I'm sorry, Luciano sir. Your coffee is ready." You gesture to the fresh, steaming pot of coffee you had made just for him.

You feel an arm snake around your waist. Luciano whispers into your ear. "Thank you, (Y/N). Your service is most delightful." His hot breath against your ear makes your skin tingle. Then he goes away. You gulp.

He's having some important mafia people or something over today. Luciano unfortunately is making you stay in the kitchen, on call in case they need drinks. One of the people is a very sexy woman, and it is clear that Luciano takes an interest in her. But whatever, it's not like he would seriously consider having romantic feelings for his simple maid anyway.

After a long day, the people finally leave. You get to leave the kitchen and take a break in your room.

"(Y/N), come here." Ugh, more cleaning?

You enter the living room, where Luciano is sitting in his favorite red velvet chair. You're standing in the doorway. He glances at you and smirks.

"Come here," he says again.

You shuffle over until you're a few feet away from him.

"W-what do you need, sir?" You whisper.

"Call me Luciano. I need a massage."

A massage?!

"Well, come here."

You step forward and put your hands on his shoulders hesitatingly.

"Go on," he says. "Massage me."

Oh my lord...

You begin to squeeze his shoulders, then move your thumbs in circles on his upper back. He groans softly and puts his head back with his eyes closed.

"I hate these business meetings. They stress me out." He groans again as you supposedly hit a soft spot by his shoulder blade. You like it when he groans, so you press harder. Then you get more comfortable with touching him and use all of your fingers to rub his back. His shirt inches up.

"Careful, (Y/N), you're removing my shirt." He pauses. Then purrs, "Or do you want it off?"

You squeak, "Oh no sir I'm sorry!" You jump away from him.

He turns and looks at you, gripping the hem of his shirt. "Call me Luciano," he whispers before slowly taking it off. All the blood rushes to your face, and you just stand there with wide eyes.

"Come here."

You nod and obey him. Then he takes your hand and walks you out the living room door.

"Um...luciano...where are we going?"

"To the bedroom."

*to be continued maybe*

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