2p!America x reader x yandere!2p!canada

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I don't know the 2ps very well besides 2p Italy so sorry if I get their personalities wrong or anything :/


You're on a date with your boyfriend Allen at a new vegan restaurant. He's trying not to show it, but he's in a bit of a sour mood.

"You know, we could have gone to Greenie's," you say to him.

"Yeah but we can't. Cuz of stupid Matt. I'm sick of him showing up at all our dates." Allen sits back in his chair and sighs. "I wish we could have some alone time, just the two of us, without him having to third wheel and try to steal my cutie."

You're taken aback. "I'm sorry, what was that last part?"

Allen scoffs and looks away. "I don't think it's any secret that Matt's into you."

You hope he's not jealous of his ugly brother. "Even if that's true, he'd never steal me. I mean, you act like I don't get a say in who I date. I do. And I'd choose you over Matt any day." You wrinkle your nose.

Allen smirks. "You really are something, you know that?"

Your cheeks heat up. "You never fail to make me blush."

"Oh, stop that corny shit."

"You started it." You giggle and playfully slap his arm across the table.

The waiter comes by and brings you your salads. They're very big.

"Tch. Not enough croutons," your boyfriend scrunches his nose in disgust.

"Sorry," you say. You know how much he likes the salad at the other restaurant.

"Oh well. Better to eat boring salad than have to use this." Allen reaches into his bag and flashes his nail covered baseball bat.

You cringe. "Allen! Put that away!" You whisper.

He laughs loudly and puts the horrid weapon back into his bag.

After you reluctantly eat your large meal, you drive home. Allen gives you a kiss and drives back to his house. You watch his car disappear down the street, then you're jumped.

You hit the ground hard, immediately before recognizing who's on top of you.


"Heh. Finally it's just you and me." There's a crazed look in his eyes, and you're scared to death.

"Let go of me!" You yell, trying to shake your wrists out of his hands as he pins you to the ground. "What's your problem?!"

"My problem?" You're stuck in his grip now, feeling your back pressed against the cold sidewalk.

"It's my brother. He gets everything he wants," he growls.

"Like what?" You ask.

"A beautiful partner, a..." He stops to think. "Beautiful house-"

"But you live with him."

"He owns it, and that cocky attitude of his, getting all the attention,"

You don't know what's wrong with Matt all of a sudden. You always knew he was gruff and mean, but he never seemed like he hated Allen.

"Let me just get straight to the point. I want you."

So Allen was right. Gross.

"Let me get straight to my point," you say to Matt. "I'm in love with Allen, and I have for quite some time now. Two years?"

Matt's glare grows deadlier.

"So, why don't you get over yourself and back off."

Matt snarls, "If I can't have you, no one can." Then he sprints off in the same direction Allen went.  You fear for your boyfriend's safety, so you get in your car and drive after him.  Eventually you pass him, because one can't outrun a car, and beat him to their house.

"Allen!!" You pound on the door.  "Allen!!"

Allen answers the door.  "What's wrong babe?"

"It's your brother! He's gone psycho! He's saying if he can't have me no one else can, you have to hide!"

Allen smirks.  "What do you think Matt's gonna do, force us to break up? It's not gonna happen."

"I'm worried he's gonna hurt you!"

"Matt's my brother, I don't think he'd go that far.  He'll get over you eventually.  At least I hope so..."

Then, you see Matt sneaking up behind Allen.  He must have entered through the back door.

"ALLEN LOOK OUT!!" You shriek.  But it's too late.  Matt has Allen pinned to the wall.

"Stop it, Matt!" you yell.  "This is ridiculous! You can't just split us up! Find your own girlfriend!"

Matt ignores you.  He pulls out a pocket knife and holds it to Allen's throat.  You try to shove Matt away, but he pushes you to the ground.  You get right back up and grab him from behind, trying to get him in a headlock, but he's too tall.  He sticks back his leg and kicks you.  It hits your shin and you double over.

You hear Allen say, "What are you gonna do, stab me?"

You get back up and try to attack Matt again, but it's too late. 

There's a line of dripping blood across Allen's throat.  He slumps to the ground and lays there, limp.

You cry out and run to him.  "ALLEN!!" You put your ear to his chest and don't hear anything.  You break down sobbing, laying on his chest.  You remember all the times you would lay on him when you cuddled and heard his fluttering heartbeat.  Now there's nothing. 

"Now you're mine and only mine."

Rage burns through you, making your body shake.  You get right up and face Matt.

"I would rather DIE than be with you," you spit. 

"Is that really the way you want it?" Matt asks, holding up his knife again. You nod.


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