Switzerland x Reader

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YAS my boo <3

Warning: long

You wouldn't really consider your time with Lilli "babysitting," but her older brother Vash did. You don't understand really, she's fifteen years old and she doesn't really NEED a babysitter, but she's a sweet girl and a stress reliever after all the two year olds that you deal with throughout the day.

Today, Vash will be gone all day doing who knows what, so you get to spend the whole day with Lilli. You've brought some of the best Pixar movies, since they don't seem to have any movies. You're running a little late because of traffic. By the time you get to their house, Vash is already outside the front door.

"You're late," he says in his usual stoic voice.

"Traffic," you reply.

"Whatever, just get over here, I can't leave Lilli until you're here."

You snort. You're standing right across the street. "Yes you can. She's not a little girl, you know."

"Don't pull that shit with me."

"I dare you to meet me across the street," you say with a smirk.

"NO," he snaps. "YOU meet ME across the street. I'm NOT leaving Lilli by herself."

"Vaaaash. Come on. She's fifteen and the door is locked. You gotta at least cut her enough slack to leave her alone in the house for a minute or two."

Vash shuts his eyes in frustration, then strides across the street until he's right in front of you in three seconds flat.

"There. Happy?" he growls.

"Very," you say with a genuine smile.  You don't really know why, but Vash is a rare individual that just makes you smile.  Yeah, your babysitting kids can make funny faces and tell potty jokes to intentionally make you laugh, but Vash doesn't even have to try.  He doesn't even really do anything. His stubborn seriousness is just hilarious to you. 

Now he's scowling at you.  You snort and burst into giggles. 

"Go. House. Now," he barks, pointing to his house.

"Yes sir!" You mock his tone of voice, stand up straight and salute. He rolls his eyes.

"You know Vashie, you really need to lighten up."

"DO NOT call me Va-" Before he can finish, you boop him on the nose. His face turns red. You can imagine steam coming out of his ears and a train whistle.

"Bye bye." You walk backwards down the street, smiling at him and doing the nae-nae as you go.

Suddenly, Vash's eyes widen. You look to your left. A big truck is speeding right towards you. You're about to run out of the way, but someone grabs you by the arm and yanks you toward the sidewalk. 

You're being tightly pressed against someone's chest.  Then you're held at arm's length and glared in the face by Vash.

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING (Y/N)?!? YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN KILLED!!!" His face is inches from yours.  It's unpleasant being screamed at in the face.  Not to mention spit on. 

You're too in shock to do anything, so you just stare.

Vash's eyes soften. "Look, I'm sorry, okay?"

You're still freaked out, so you're having a hard time thinking of something to say.  "You spit all over me," you whisper. You start giggling. You crack yourself up.

"You almost died just now, this isn't funny!" Vash yells.

You snort. "SOrry."

"(Y/N), you can't take anything seriously, not even your own life." Vash just turns and walks away.

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