England/Britain x reader

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Lightning flashes and thunder roars. It's pouring, the rain coming down on the roof is its own thunderous noise.

And you love it. You love the rainstorms that everyone else wants to avoid. While your family stays inside and mourns how "gross" it is outside, you go out and dance around and jump in the puddles. No rain boots either.

It's early morning, and you know that when your family wakes up they're going to tell you to stay inside to stay "dry." But you're not having any of that.

You got a new dress the other day. It matches your skin tone and flows down to your ankles. It's supposed to be for a "special occasion." But your idea of a special occasion and your (parent/guardian)'s idea of a special occasion is different.

So you slip out the door in your fancy dress so no one would wake up. The rain comes down so hard the raindrops make their own little splashes in the large puddles. The sky lights up for a second, and you feel the thunder shake through your core.

You run out, the bottoms of your dress already wet from the inch deep puddles. You spin and dance across the sidewalk, the pounding rain and booming thunder setting the tempo for your waltz.

As the once loose dress clings to your skin, you realize you don't know where you are. Whose houses are these? And how could you have wandered off that fast?

Someone's door opens. You look over and realize it's a man you know. Your coworker, Arthur, steps out onto his porch. He then makes eye contact with you and does a double take.

"(Y/N)?!" he yells.

Well it's too late for you to escape now. "Hi!" You call. "I didn't know you lived around here!"

"What the bloody hell are you doing out here in the pouring rain at six o'clock in the morning?! Get inside, you'll catch a cold!"

"Are you sure?" You look down, embarrassed. Then you realize your feet are red and the bottom of your dress is dirty.

"Have you completely lost your mind? How far are you from home?!" He approaches you.

"I actually don't know, really. I kind of spaced out."

"What were you-oh get inside, we need to get you dried off." Arthur grabs your wrist and pulls you towards his house. You reluctantly go. It's not even that cold.

Once you're inside, he gives you a once over and cringes. "God, you're drenched. Stay here." He runs into another room. You notice how warm it is. Maybe it was colder than you thought outside.

You hear hurried footsteps approaching. Arthur comes running with a towel. "Here," he says, thrusting it at you. You take it and softly say, "Thank you."

You're kind of overwhelmed by all that's happening. You don't even know Arthur that well, and he's acting like your grandma. And he's not even that much older than you.

"My brother might have some clothes that would fit you. Let me see-"

"Arthur, its fine, really-"

"No, no, your clothes are soaked, you're not wearing those, no actually wait-" Arthur stops and thinks for a second. "Why don't you come into the bathroom, you're getting my living room floor wet.  Follow me."  Arthur quickly walks to another room, motioning for you to follow.  You do, feeling bad. 

You are lead to a pretty typical looking white tiled bathroom.  "Wait here while I look for some suitable clothes for you."  He runs out once again.  You never expected to be in your coworker's bathroom this morning. 

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