Punk!Norway x reader

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Tonight was the "talent show," or whatever for countries to show off some unique talent, sing or make a complete fool of themselves. So far, you had seen Britain do magic tricks, Austria play that same piano song he always does, South Africa (my OC) doing some stupid rant about god knows what and calling it spoken word, Lichtenstein reading some kiddie love poem(still better than SA's "spoken word")about her "big bruder", and Ukraine balancing multiple objects on her boobs.

What you were really here for was not for all that crap, but for a performance by the Nordic 5. They're kind of a cover band, they mostly cover songs from bands like the Ramones, the Stooges and Sex Pistols.

When Finland is finally done singing "have a holly jolly Christmas," the rest of the Nordic 5 come on stage, and Finland takes off his stupid Santa hat. Girls start screaming. There's the occasional shriek of "I LOVE YOU DENMARK!!!"

Ah, Denmark, with his big hair and flashy grin. Almost all the girls fall head over heels for him. After all, he is the lead singer. And his screech of Anarchy in the UK is quite distinguishable. But you're not that interested in him. No, you've got your eye on the one that doesn't get much of the spotlight.

Norway. The bassist, who pretends he doesn't have a big role in the music and doesn't like to slightly head bang every once in a while. The rest of the band just totally rocks out (except Sweden, he does not care about music at all, as long as Finland is happy) and it's charming, but there's something about the way Norway won't let himself live in the moment. You know he has it in him.

To be honest, you've talked to him quite a few times at the world meetings lately. You think he at least considers you as a friend.

He confessed to you earlier that day that he was nervous about the concert tonight because he had a song with a bass solo at the beginning.

"But you're so good! You can do it," you told him. "I believe in you."

You remember the way he almost gave you a slight smile. He said, "Thank you, (Y/N). You know, you're pretty cool. I'll see you later."

Your face grows hot even thinking of that moment. You can't help but stare at Norway, wanting him to smile at you. Wy is snickering next to you.


You throw your hand over her mouth. "Shut up twit! He's RIGHT THERE!" You whisper.

"MHMHM-" she makes noises into your hand and then points directly at Norway.


Sealand gets up in both your faces and shushes you violently. "They're about to play!"

"You spit all over me!!" Wy screams.

You drown them out and space off, watching Norway's fingers move on the frets of his bass, his blue eyes in focus, his bangs in his face. He's tapping his foot a little. God he's hot.

Everyone is clapping for his solo. Some girl screams, "WHOO NORWAY!" You jerk your head over to see who it is. It's Miss slut of the century Taiwan with all of her Asian boyfriends. Whatever, you're better and more of a fan than her.

"WHOO NORWAY!" You shout. He actually looks up at you. You wonder if he looked up at Taiwanker.

You're a little sad for the rest of the song. When it's over, you only clap a little.

"Ahem-" *feedback*

"NICE GOING DENMARK!!" Prussia yells out.

"Shut up. This song goes out to a special someone in the audience." Denmark runs his hand through his hair.


Oh no. Sealand has fainted. You watch as Seborga carries him bridal style out of the room. What a fangirl.

"Oh, wait a minute, it looks like someone ELSE wants the microphone for this song!"

There's oooohs throughout the audience. What's going on?

You look up and see Denmark handing his microphone to Norway.


Norway likes someone?

You bite your lip and look down at your feet.

"Wy can we leave?" You whisper with a cracked voice.

"No. There's still pizza left."

Great. She's your ride home. You're being forced to stay here while your biggest crush of all time sings a love song.

The music starts.

"Um..." Norway mutters into the microphone. "She needs to look up first."

You look over at Taitwat. She's staring. He can't be talking about her...You look up to see who he's looking at. He's looking...directly at you...

"Okay there we go." He says.

He starts singing. "H-hey little girl, I wanna be your boyfriend..." He looks down and grips the mike until his knuckles turn white. "Sweet little girl, I wanna be your boyfriend...Do you love me babe, what do you say?" As he keeps singing, he slowly looks up at you. "Do you love me babe, what can I say? Because I wanna be your boyfriend."

You're pretty sure your face is red as a fire truck. Your hands are over your cheeks and you're just staring up at him smiling.

By now Denmark had enough of his awkward singing. "Alright man I think she got the message and look at her face I think you just got a girlfriend."

There's clapping and cheering from everyone in the audience. Then Norway does the unthinkable. He smiles at you. It's small, but it's a smile. You grin from ear to ear.

They have one more song to play. So you listen, well, sort of listen, but mostly just stare at your crush, now boyfriend. You barely register Wy slapping you in the face with pizza and screaming "HELLOOOO?!" as you and Norway occasionally make eye contact and smile. You may have distracted him so much that he messed up a few times.

After the song is over, you jump out of your chair to go meet them in the little backstage area. As soon as you see Norway putting his bass away, you try to sneak up behind him. But he turns around and sees you right as you're a foot behind him.

"Aw dang!! I wanted to scare you!" You whine. He smiles slightly. Then you just giggle and jump hug him.

"I know you probably just had pizza, but do you want to get frozen yogurt after we get our stuff put away?" Norway whispers into your hair.

You pull away and look up at him. "I would love that."

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