Seychelles x Lonely!Reader

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You're at the nearby coffee shop for your morning coffee before your work. It's your daily routine. But today, there seems to be less people than usual. At one point, you're the only one in the shop except for the barista. She's a sweet, very pretty olive skinned girl with pigtails held up by red bows.

You sigh, watching young and old couples walk around outside, holding hands and giggling together. You wish you had someone by your side like that, but you never had a significant other, not even a silly little relationship in middle school or high school. It was hard for you even to make friends. You always freeze up when talking to people because you get nervous.

You begin to hear a ukelele. It's a song that you know well. It plays on the radio sometimes. It's kind of a funny song. You smile as it plays. When the chorus comes, you automatically begin to sing,

"I have a dream I hope will come true, that you're here with me and I'm here with you. I wish that the earth, sea and the sky up above will bring me someone to lava."

You like this song, because you can identify with the lonely volcano in the song. You've heard that the song is from a movie or something. You're curious to see it, but don't have anyone to go with, and you're tired of going to movies by yourself.

Here comes the chorus again, when the volcano thinks he will never find love.

"I have a dream I hope will come true, that you're here with me, and I'm here with you. I wish that the earth, sea and the sky up above will bring me someone to lava."

You feel a tear roll down your cheek. You don't know what it is with you today, but this song is really getting to you.

You prepare to sing the chorus again, but someone else beats you to it.

"I have a dream I hope will come true..."

Wow...she has the most beautiful voice.

You look over. It's the barista. She's leaning against the counter with her head in her hand.  She's staring off into space, her big brown eyes full of melancoly, as she sings.  It's hard to imagine a beautiful girl like her could be alone. 

She glances over at you.  You realize you were staring and quickly look back at your newspaper. 

"I love this song," she says. 

You look up, thinking there's someone else in the store.  But no, just you and her.  She smiles at you.

"It's so sad," you say.

"But it has a happy ending.  They make an island together.  That's what I like best about the song, it's about an island.  I grew up on an island.  I was even named after it."

"What's your name?"


"That's a nice name," you say stupidly.

She just smiles.

"Do you have any plans tonight?" She asks you.

You stiffen up. Did this pretty girl just ask you out? You better not mess this up.

Just say something already!

"Uh, I don't."

"You want to see inside out? That's the movie with this song at the beginning. I've never seen it!"

This is where you always mess up. Your voice goes away, your brain powers down, and you lose people.

"Yeah, sure," you manage to say.

You've done it. You've made plans with someone.

"Great! My shift ends at six, want to meet me back here?"

"Yeah, that would be great." You begin to feel more at ease with talking. You have a feeling that Seychelles will change your life.

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