chapter 9

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A/N: ok here is the next chapter.. I hope you guys enjoy my story... I usually just rush on my stories..

Chapter 9:


I was on my way to the airport.. I was really excited.. I really couldn't wait to see Nadia... Wait but I wonder if she's still mad at me... After what happened...


"U-Uh Kevin... T-The t-t-thing is...." I heard her say...

I leaned a little closer to hear her...

"W-well the thing is.... well i have to go to dfhsjdhnsz..."


"I said... I have to go to zdklshgaeprijgv..."



I was surprised that she shouted at me... but I was even more surprised when she said she had to go to college... I didn't see what was so wrong about that... Isn't that a good thing?

"What's so wrong about that?" I asked...

"W-well you see...." She started to tear up...

I went by her side and I hugged her... I didn't know what the problem was but I hugged her as tightly as I can... I couldn't stand seeing her cry...

"I-I'm s-sorry..."

"Shhhhhh... It's ok...."

After awhile she was ready to tell me what was wrong...

"Ok... I think I'm ready..."

i waited for her reply...

"Well the thing is... The University is in Korea..."

My mind went blank....

Out of nowhere I shouted!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"HOW CAN YOU JUST LEAVE ME!?!?!?!?!?! I THOUGHT WE WOULD BE TOGETHER FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Ugh... I was so stupid then... Now how will I make it up?!?!

"KEVIN KEVIN KEVIN!!!!" Dongho shouted...

"What what what?!?!" I shouted back.

He had a huge smile on his face.. What's going on?!?!


"I can't believe you're leaving!!!!!" Ann cried..

"Don't worry!!! I'll be back in a week..." I said hugging her.

"But that's so long!!!!!"

"Don't worry I'll call you, text you, and we'll FaceTime... No problem.."

I said smiling.

"Alright..." She said while hugging me..

"Oh!!! I almost forgot..." She reached into her pocket... "Give this to Kevin!"

"What is this?!?!"

"Nadia's phone number... I think he'll enjoy this.."

"Thanks sweetie!!! I'll make sure to give this to him..."


"KEVIN KEVIN KEVIN!!!" I shouted.

"What what what?!?!" He shouted back...

I handed home the paper.

"What's this?!?"

I said... "You'll know when you see it.." Then I skipped away.


What is that boy planning? I opened the paper and I saw someone's phone number.. Can this be Nadia's?!?! I looked around the paper a little more to fin a name.. After five minutes of looking.. I saw Nadia's name in the bottom right corner in very small letters..

I smiled to myself and dialed in the number...


Please ...





Our Song [UKISS Fan-Fic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon