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It's finally summer. Everybody wishes summer would come, but when it does, you're bored as hell. "Y/N! Can you come here for a second?!" My dad called from downstairs.

"I'm coming." I muttered even though he couldn't hear me. I walked down the stairs. "You interrupted my Netflix time." I said with a fake frown on my face.

"Oh no. How will I live with what I've done?" He said sarcastically. We usually joke about random things. "Anyway. Since I know you don't have any friends." He said laughing. I playfully smacked his arm. "And since you're always reading, why don't you come work with me this summer?"

"At Google?" He nodded. "But I'm not a nerd. What will I do?"

"I'm not a nerd, and I'll ignore what you just said. You could work at the library with Laura. You'll like her, she's nice." He said walking into the kitchen.

"Sure, why not? When do I start?" I asked starting to get excited.

"Half an hour. I would get ready if I were you." He said making his coffee. Everybody at Google gets free food and drinks, but he said the coffee there isn't sweet enough. Which now that I think about it is weird because you can put your own sugar and stuff in there. I'm not a coffee person, so I really don't know what to call the crap that you put in your coffee. Before I even realized I was already done with my morning routine. I grabbed my phone off of the charger and got in my car and drove behind my dad.

I don't know where this place was so I tried my best to remember. It's six o'clock right now. I always wake up around five, I don't know why. I can fall asleep whenever and still wake up at five. I got out of the car and looked at the building. It was huge. My dad had shown me the library, and where we eat.

I walked in the library. It was full of books. I love reading, I love how the books can take you to a completely different place. You fall in love with the characters, you cry with the characters, and when the book ends, you are silenced with them. Books take you out of reality, and into a world of fiction. I must've zoned out for about ten minutes. "Hi. You must be Y/N, I'm Laura. We're going to be spending a lot of time together, well except lunches. For lunch you're allowed to eat with the interns. Nobody really ever comes in during lunch." She said smiling.

"Cool. Where can I set my bag?" I asked gesturing towards my bag with my phone, water, more books, and my lunch. She brought me behind the counter where you check out books. There was a guy behind the counter on the computer. He hasn't looked up since I walked in.

"That's Evan. He's always typing, or checking for overdue books." It was Laura. She scared me. She's like a ninja. Popping up out of nowhere all the time. Like.... Pow. Wow my thoughts are weird. I mentally laughed at my inner voice. Voices filled the room. "The new interns are here. Let's go." She dragged me out of the library and we looked over the balcony. There were way to many people to count. You could barely make out any faces. "Wanna go down, get some drinks before people come up for books?" She asked. She moved some of her brown curly hair out of her face.

"Sure. My water is probably warm by now. I hate warm water." I said. It's like, I don't know but it's just gross okay?

"I know, right? It's gross, but I can't explain how. You know what I mean right? Because I can't explain it." She laughed. We walked in silence the rest of the way. She got a pink lemonade, while I got a Dr. Pepper. Once we got our drinks we waked back to the library. But this time we waked through the interns. There are way too many for my liking. I lost Laura! Where did she go?! She was just here!

"Hi I'm Neha." Said a girl with brown hair that went a little past her shoulders.

"Y/N." I said shaking her hand that she had held out for me to shake.

"Are you an intern here too?" She asked her eyes hopeful.

"Actually, no. I work at the library. But if you wanna hang out some time you can go up there." I said. She actually looks like she would be fun to hang out with.

"Can I go up now? I don't think we're doing anything for another twenty minutes anyway." She said looking around. There are mostly dudes.

"Sure let's go."


"We talked for a bit, then she went back down for the meeting. She said she would get lunch with me. I gave her my number so she could text me before lunch. We're going to walk down to lunch together. She admitted to being a nerd. But not just any nerd, a hot nerd. That's just weird, I guess we're all weird in our own ways though right? Yeah I'm right. She told me to call her princess Leia (idk if that's how you spell it).

Leia: help me, I'm in a group full of guys

Y/N: r any cute?

Leia: maybe 4 u, but 2 r old dudes they seem pretty cool tho

Y/N: will they be at lunch with us?

Leia: probably not the old ones

Y/N: I'll meet them another time then

Leia: ugh Stuart's a total asshole

Y/N: who the hell is that?

Leia: u'll c at lunch bye

Y/N: well then leave me hanging y don't ya bye

Leia: shut up, lol not my fault I have 2 work

Y/N: sry bye don't forget bout lunch

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