Deal With It

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We finally broke apart from our hug and started walking to my house. After a few minutes we were almost to my house. "What will your dad think?" Stuart asked swinging our joined hands.

"To be honest I don't really know, but I don't care. I love you, that's all that matters." We walked up to my door but I hesitated.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded. "We can wait for another time, we don't have to do it today. I also stunt want the shit beaten out of me."

I laughed. "No, I want to do it today." He nodded and we walked in.

"Y/N, where the hell were you, you had me so worried- what the hell is he doing here? Get the hell out of my house."

I cut him off. "No, he can stay. We also have something to tell you. He didn't-"

"I can't deal with this right now. We'll talk about this in the morning." He said walking to his room. He also didn't notice Stuart was still here so we both walked in to my room.

"How can I make him understand and actually listen." I said pacing back and forth. Little did I know Stuart was watching me intently. "Mom can you give me a sign? Please?" I said still pacing.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Stuart said then walked to the bathroom. After a couple seconds Y/C/N was at my window and started talking.

"You know, you shouldn't have broken up with me." He started but I ignored him. "He's just going to break your heart." I flipped him off but he still continued. "There's nothing your mother can do with it from the grave." I've had enough of this shit.

"Shut your little whore mouth." I days and slammed the window in his face. I looked away from the window and saw a box of videos from my mom. Stuart walked back in as I turned on the video.

"Is this your porn collection? I didn't think you had one too." I looked at him weirdly. He cleared his throat. "I mean. Just watch the video."

The video
My mom had shown up on the camera with her beautiful smile that she had always had when I saw her. She looked at the camera still smiling. "Hi Y/N, if you're watching this, then I hope you still remember me. But I want to give you some future advise that might be helpful because I'm not going to be there to give it to you when you're older. Do you remember when you were younger when your father would always tell you not to get a boyfriend? That's only because he didn't want you to grow up and lose you too. He's always going to dislike who you go out with, but you love who you love and if he doesn't like it he can deal with it. And it's almost time for me to go now, but remember I love you and I'll be watching over you." She said, but before the video ended two people walked in. "Hi, how are you today?" My mother said to the mysterious people, then the video ended.

When I looked up at Stuart I was crying. He looked at me then quickly looked away. "Hey, you shouldn't care if people see you cry. If anything you look beautiful when you cry. And whoever doesn't see that is a loser that doesn't deserve you." He said. For the rest of the night we stayed up taking until we both fell asleep.


Hey guys, so I haven't been talking to you lately because I was busy, but that's going to change. If you have been voting and commenting, out just want to talk comment on this and I'll thank you guys and start taking. Thank you guys for 10K. You should also add me on Snapchat @ layla85201 and on Instagram @ Shawn_Gilinsky_Johnson but anyway, I love you guys so much. And I know Alex did before she passed away.

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