Meeting Stuart

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Sci-fi, technology, sci-fi, sci-fi, fiction, nonfiction, technology, technology. Ugh. Return books is so boring. It's noon note so it's my break. "Princess Leia is here to save you from..... Whatever you want to be saved from."

"Serially Neha?" I said laughing. She shrugged.

"It's lunch. Hunger took over my mind." She said starting to laugh.

"Alright weirdo let's go eat if you're so hungry." I said dragging her with me.

"Just to let you know Stuart can be a total ass. He's always on his phone, very sarcastic, and yeah that's pretty much it." She said listing the things she could think of.

"That's pretty much what makes up and ass, so I'll just try to ignore him." I said looking around.

"Good. There they are. Let's go." We walked to a take that had three people. "Hey guys this is Y/N." She introduced me. I gave a slight wave.

"So this is the girl you wouldn't shut up about. Texting isn't working you know." Said a guy with a beanie on his head. He was looking at his phone. That must be Stuart.

"You should be the one to talk." She said annoyed.

"No need to be annoyed, you both pretty ladies." I said smiling. Neha looked up smiling.

"Oh. Y/N, meet Lyell, Yo-yo, and Stuart. And guys meet Y/N." She said pointing to people as she said their name.

"Nice to meet you Y/N." Lyell said holding out his hand. I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too Lyell." I looked at Yo-yo. He was staring at the table.

"He's quiet." Neha whispered. I looked at Yo-yo again he was still staring at the table. Okay then. Stuart finally looked up from his phone when I was talking to Neha. I looked over and he was staring at me. Once he noticed I was looking he quickly looked at his phone again. He's actually really cute. Too bad he's a dick or else I would actually have started a conversation.

"Why were you staring at me?" That voice.

"Actually you were starting at me. I just looked at you." I said.

"I didn't stare at you I looked behind you, at the girl over there." I turned around.

"There's a wall. Unless you're high, I don't think any girls are right there." I said looking at him. He was looking at his phone. He looked behind me.

He cleared his throat. "I- uh....... How does your mom put up with you?" He said looking at me. My eyes started to water. "Are you going to go cry to your mom about that little comment?" He said mocking a baby voice.

I got up from my seat before I started to cry and said. "My mom's dead." And ran back to the library. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't return around. I ran into the girls bathroom, but the footsteps didn't stop. I went into the stall.

"Y/N let me in. Please, he was just being an ass. We didn't know." I got out and hugged Neha. "I apologize on his behalf, because I know he won't." She said hugging back.

"I have to go to the library." I said and dragged her with me.

"Wait. Let's make you look like you weren't crying okay?" She said taking me to the sink. She washed my face and we left. "Hey I never got your last name." She said as we walked. I felt like we were being followed. I looked behind us but the footsteps stopped.

"Oh it's Y/L/N." I said looking around.

"Y/F/N I like it. It fit perfectly well with you." She said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said joking.

"Can't say." She said smiling.

"Whatever." I muttered. "It's only 12:10 wanna go back to lunch?"

"Are you sure you wanna go back. Stuart's still going to be there. We don't have to if you don't want to." She said trying to make sure I was fine.

"I'll ignore him how he ignores everybody else....... My phone." I said smirking.

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