Boyfriend? Your not serious right?

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"Knock knock." Neha said in front of me. "Wanna come work with us? You can meet Billy and Nick this time." She said hopping up and down.

"Sure why not? Your going to make me go anyway. Why not do it by will?" I said putting my book back and getting my phone.

"So today I was trying to talk to Stuart, but he was on his phone." She said looking around frantically.

"Get on with it, nobody's gonna pop up outta nowhere." I said trying to remember the path to the cafeteria.

"So I took his phone. I looked on his phone to see why it was so important that he wouldn't be working...... When I looked there were pictures of you on your Facebook page." She says laughing. "And he was drooling." We both burst out laughing.

"You're going to be late let's go." You both started running.

Once we finally caught our breath we walked the rest if the way. "Billy, Nick, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Billy and Nick." My phone went off.

"Sorry, I'll be right back." I walked a few feet away, but so I could still see them.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Hey Y/N. I'm not gonna make it today, my flight was delayed. I'll see you tomorrow though."

"Okay. I guess, but you have to make up for it. Bye Y/C/N."

"Bye baby." He said then hung up. I walked back.

"Who was that." Neha asked as she ran up to me.

"That was my b-"

"Guess who." Said a voice. But I didn't need to see even though their hands were covering my eyes.

"Hey baby. I thought your plane was delayed." I said trying to move his hands from my eyes. He removed them and turned me around.

"I lied. I wanted to surprise you." I leaned up and kissed him.

"Well I'm glad you did."

"Get a room guys." Neha teased.

"Maybe later." Y/C/N said, then winked at me.

"Anyway." I said giggling. "This is my boyfriend, Y/C/N." Stuart erupted in laughter.

"Boyfriend? Your not serious right?" I glared at him.

"I'm dead serious. But I guess it's not so hard to believe, right droolington?" I said smirking.

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